Why it become hot when i us it for half an hrs, is it normal in all 5233? Pleas tell me guys n gls
WhY my mobile become hot when i use it for half an hrs, is it normal in all 5233. Pleas tell me guys
sai, 04 Mar 2012it is one of the best phones.but how delete all the stuffs in the phone memory and when i down... morego to messages then click option and click setting and go to other their is memory in use change it to memory card
i cant open my massages,i used to but now i cant
i cant open my massages,i used to but now i cant
Nyc phn...using it for 2yrs...no prblems yet...bt can anybdy tell hw tooff d camera sounds??
sai, 04 Mar 2012it is one of the best phones.but how delete all the stuffs in the phone memory and when i down... moreJust go to msgs>options>other>then change it to memory card..
ajain, 02 Mar 2012hey guys
I have music in my memory card but they r not show by my mobile in music player I ... moreMove all songs to Memory Card>Data>Download
Then your songs show in music player
Guys, i have a problem when i play game or use internet then my 5233 become hot. Is it normal? Please anybody tell me
Maddy, 04 Mar 2012Plz tell me guys Should i buy this phone Its a gud product under bdgt...
its gallery is always hanging. what should i do?
best phone i had ever use.......... superb
satz, ranjan, prince anyone can help me plz!! im trying to update my software upto 51.00 but it shows 'unvailable service' what do i do to upgrade software.
it is one of the best phones.but how delete all the stuffs in the phone memory and when i download anything from the internet it is storing in the phone memory and not in the mem card so how to change it?
ajain, 02 Mar 2012hay guys I have some songs in my microsd card i want that songs in music librery what can i d... morejust refresh your music library...
ajain, 02 Mar 2012hay guys
I have some songs in my microsd card i want that songs in music librery what can i d... morego to music player,then go to option and refresh you librery....
Plz tell me guys Should i buy this phone
ajain, 02 Mar 2012hay guys I have some songs in my microsd card i want that songs in music librery what can i d... morego to music player and take the option and click on the refresh library
ajain, 02 Mar 2012hay guys I have some songs in my microsd card i want that songs in music librery what can i d... moreUpdate music library.
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