phone is good. Even though its said that no gps, it can identify your position using maps or any other thing. For saving pictures from web or opera press your finger and hold for few sec's till option menu appears.
Papa, 12 Jul 2010wich one shud i buy samsung star tv or nokia 5233 plz helpNokia 5233 is better
wich one shud i buy samsung star tv or nokia 5233
plz help
man wats the price of of 5233 in Kolkata,can its themes be changed like other touch phones
Just got this phone and its superb
from applications to music its awesome......
Hi utpx..thank for sharing information..
i m suffering from a wired problem. whn i didnt use memory card, my video file plays which i record but whn i use memory card, it didnt u face this problem?
Vicky k, 11 Jul 2010nice phone in this price.....but having few flaws..ringtone volume & music loud speaker is... moreI agree. outer casing looks cheap. But if u ignore that u are getting a very good phone at cheap price. I didnt encounter prob in ovi after updation. Its working fine and the ovi store app is really good where it automatically downloads and installs apps. Regarding opera mini go to settings and advanced. Under opera keyboard select never . Now opera kbd wont open but phones own qwerty kbd will be used. Well being budget phone single speaker is there unlike other xpressmusics having dual speakers. If one doesnt require gps, 3g and wifi (like common man in india) this is best phone giving full touchscreen experience. the browser is really good.
nice phone in this price.....but having few flaws..ringtone volume & music loud speaker is not upto the mark..ovi store is intigrated although it shows some errror even after updation..cant install NIMBUZZ dont know why..OPERAMINI QWERTY keys are bit small & uncomfortable as compare to local Browser..the material used in phone is little cheap..but i appreciate nokia for bringing cpu434 mhz.along with symbian 60 in this price range.
I Have a one sony xperiya x10 mini.this using was not possible.i can't find the internal blutooth diveice dissable& enablu options plz find and conf:
sumit, 09 Jul 2010How do I save images from the web browser in nokia 5233. I couldnt find any option to do it. i am also suffering with the same proplem.plz send the solustion.urgently
whats a gps system
Adeel SIddiqui, 09 Jul 2010Actually dear most of us we saw a lot of china mobile phone set in our local community and the... moreU r right dear.............. it's nokia........ Best quality......
can skype be downloaded in 5233
does da speaker realy suck??i was wiishing 2 buy it.
bought this phone 2day. the speaker sucks. how the speaker b so poor? does every1 face dis prblm?
sathyaa, 09 Jul 2010Hey guys , is nokia 5233 is good or, samsung corby s3653 or samsung s5233 is better ah... both... moreActully it depends from person 2 person if u want a phone having multitasking den nokia 5233 is better
frinds which is better 5233 or 5230. i am in confusion
You should write the price of each set in rupees and i want to know that what the price for nokia 5233
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