I REMEMBER...when I first saw the Nokia 6230 on air and online.
I REMEMBER...when I first saw the television advertisement, Nokia separated it from all the other phones...they showed a variety of phones one after the other then showed the 6230 between the slogan Nokia - Connecting People...the 6230 was right there with the 'Nokia' above it and the 'Connecting People' part below the phone.
I REMEMBER...when I thought I wouldn't be able to get one because it would be out of my league.
I REMEMBER...when I held one for the first time and felt like I was a beginner to the cell phone world.
I REMEMBER...using it for the first time and felt like I was in a different world.
I REMEMBER...it being a pioneer for most of the multimedia features and still on top today.
I REMEMBER...to always respect it because it has put every other phone to shame and forcing them to play catch up.
I REMEMBER...to take care of it because another phone like this may never grace the world again.
Stop worrying. The 6230 reads a 1GB perfectly...I'm using one in my phone right now. It will also read a 2GB too. Just try it, I'm sure you will see that you were worried over nothing (smile).
To E34:
The 6230 is "SMARTER" than many phones. I have been fooling around a Palm Treo 650...a so called smart phone and I must say that my Nokia 6230 put the Treo 650 to shame in more ways than one. First of all the specs. are the same in many cases, 65K screen, VGA camera etc. The 6230 camera beats the Palm Treo's camera and somehow the 6230 MP3's playback appears to be louder. The Treo 650 polyhonic ringing is the loudest I have ever heard in a phone, it's extremely loud...BUT the earpiece volume is said to be very low...which makes no sense...based on the loudness of the Treo's ringer you won't miss a call but you won't hear the caller clearly when you answer the phone...that seems more dumb than "smart" to me.
I compared the 6230 camera with the Treo 650's. I used both phones to take a photo of the same object and compared them on a PC. The 6230 wins hands down, smoother and clearer. The Treo 650 has NO nightmode. The 650 is big, bulky and not very smart whereas the 6230 is very small and very smart. The End.
I upgraded from 6230 to N73 Music Edition a week ago. Now I must confess that 6230 is smarter than the so called "smart phone" N73.
N73 lacks a whole bunch of essential things that my 3 years old 6230 has, i.e. timed profiles, auto key lock, repeated alarms, reminders.......the list is even longer.
So my point is STICK TO YOUR 6230 and you won't regret.
Nokia 6230 rulles
I have a 6230 v5.24 than buying a 6230i,c0z s0me says tha 6230i freezes wth 1gb mmc,n0w the questi0n is,d0es 6230 can REALLY read a 1gb?If yes,h0w b0ut 2gb?I find it hard to decide,c0z on friday,i wil buy mmc,the diff between 1gb and 2gb is a small bucks,is it w0rth buying a 2gb mmc to 6230?D0 any0ne try it?Wh0m?Help jamaican.Tnx.Asap.
Yeah i found it quite irritating as well just take it to a nokia dealer and have the port realigned it comes loose when u drop it etc
My 6230i has that problem with its Pop port the sound keeps cutting,it seems i have that problem with my 6230i to.ouch never new until i read your post down below.:(
good choice 6300 its a good phone! 6233 i think is not that good compared to 6300
To Original Jamaican
Hey there sorry 4 the long delay remeber my 6230i had a prob with the popport connector and the sound kept cutting, well the connector was loose so i had it realligned coz it was loose, thats what they told me at the nokia center so it should work well now. It seems it was not put properly at the factory.
i read u also want to get a new Nokia well unlike our buddy 786 i quite like the 6233 coz of the metalic body and awesome stereo speakers the display is also awesome with small changes here and there to the UI, i dont find it that much advanced over the 6230i but its better all round albeit the small internal memory & the phone book. Nokia hae also changed the charger connector DUMB DUMB move coz now u cant charge ur phone as easily as b4, u know, someone with a nokia 3310 or 1100 can help u out with a charger now its quite a bit difficult,almost every one has a nokia.
6233 also has VGA video recording and its music player sound output as well as all 3rd edition S40 UI phones is quite loud much more than the 6230/6230i. It also has 3g as well.
On the other hand the 6300 is also tempting its slim like the L7 & also has steel body panels, it has no pop port which i think is gr8 and its music player is awesome with playlist support etc jus like Sony Ericsson Walkman phones, it also looks alot of a hell cooler than the 6233. Its diplay is devine as well even better than the 6233 16 mill colours, but its camera is inferior 2 the 6233.
Mmmmmh tough choice btwn the two, oh the 6233 is cheaper but make sure u get one -if u do- with the latest firmware coz pple have complined about bugs with early versions and the bluetooth not identifing motorola phones. It also does fell good in ur hand and has the best keys i have ever pressed (except the side ones).
Oh yeah i also like Sony Ericcsons too, just a suggestion, i know u r a Nokia die hard so am i but the W810 is sooo tempting, awesome 2mp camera and sound quality unmathced.
U can use Apple's i tunes to convert mp3's to M4A's so as to make large files smaller 4 ur 6230/6230i but retain sound quality.
Rock on Nokia.
To 786:
Thank you for the advice. I will definately try to get my hands on a 6300. Right after you recommended it I saw GSMArena do a review of it. You mentioned it to me BEFORE the review right ?
When GSMArena first announced it in November news I read it but 5 months later it's something easily forgotten after reading some many news reports after. I'm glad you mentioned it though because I completely forgot about it. It's sad though that it doesn't have infrared. However, other areas make up for that. Big up everytime 786.
does it have Stereo Bluetooth A2DP ??
instead of you getting Nokia 6233 get 6300 becuse its a good upgrade from 6230 but 6233 has identical feautres to 6230 (updated feautures) the choice is up to you>
thanks for the advice but unfortunately i have tried all those before, i got fedup and wanted some advice.anyway thanks.i will have to find a nokia which definitely is time consuming and i really do not have time.
First of all you need a PC connection and Nokia PC Suite. Do you have all of these ? Answer me and we can move on from there.
how can i select wich tracks i want in may playlists?
i have mp3's to listen, and ringtones, and the phone puts all in playlist when i'm using the music player. what should i do?
to Original_jamaican
well to be honest i DONT really like 6233 the reasons are:
to big(110g)
to heavy
3G(i dont need 3G)
the 3rd edition OS is abit harder to use
the phone slows down with 1GB microSD if the firmware is old..
these are the things i like about 6233:
stereo speakers(3D sound)
VGA video (15fps) < same 6230
2mp resolution (1600+1200)
the pop port is very loud with 3.5 jack stard earphones.
i do regret getting 6233 becuase i acchewly SOLD my oringal 6230 for it which i now regret doing..6233 is a good update of 6230 but the features are abit dull and not as good as 6230 soo in conclusion original jamaican YES do get 6233 but TRUST ME on this you will be using 6230 more!! iv owned all of them 6230 6230i and 6233..my opinion 6230 still is best!!!
thanks for telling me about the 1GB working in 6230 ...now all i have to do is BUY a 6230 again!!!
To G2:
First of all, you CANNOT get a firmware update using the internet...unless you are going to use a computer to download the firmware and then take it to a repair shop or someone to install the file on the phone for you.
I don't know if what I'm about to say will work on your phone but I somehow miraculously fixed a 3310 with a speaker problem just like yours. First I did a reset, turned off the phone, took out the battery, squeeze the tip of the speaker and then knocked the phone, the speaker part, in the palm of my hand. When I turned it on the speaker was working just like new again, as loud as it was before and it hasn't stopped since...that was about 3 months ago.
The ONLY thing is that because the Nokia 3310 is made of rubber I was able to squeeze it...but your speaker is made from hard plastic material so I guess you can try everything I did EXCEPT the squeezing part. Good luck and I really hope you get your sound back.
To 786:
I purchased a 1GB late last year, November 23rd to be exact and it has been working fine up to now...NO corruption, NO glitches, NO slow downs, NO freezes, NO crashes...so YES I would say it works fine with the original 6230.
786, tell me what you honestly think about the 6233, I have been giving thought to acquiring one as a second phone...is it worth the upgrade ? Other than the 500 contacts limit, are you satisfied with the features and performance ?
i am in a big problem. can anyone be kind enough to help me out? my nokia 6230 speaker stopped working suddenly. and please let me know where to get an firmware update on the internet?
to Original_Jamaican
hello again i need to know if 6230 can read a 1GB MMC with no problems because i have a 1GB MMC for my 6230i and people are saying that 6230i only holds up to 512MB and i have used the 1GB MMC in 6230i for 2 months and its got currupt becuase 6230i can only hold up to 512MB and 6230 can run with 1GB with no problems is it true?????
regards 786 thanks in advance
Firmware 5.24 fixed many bluetooth problems that the earlier firmwares had. Upgrade to 5.24 or later. Your options are 5.24, 5.26, 5.35 and 5.50. Personally I prefer 5.24 for a number of reasons.
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