delete some files and as much as possible, do not use the INTERNAL memory of the fone. Instead, set the MEMORY CARD as storage area for newly taken pictures or videos or oven text messages. likewise, make it a habit to have enough space by checking the memory status (phone or mmc)to make sure that all applications would work just fine.
My photos disappeared after phone warning memory full, why?
what i mean in transferring files from 64mb to 256 or 512mb is that you may use a memory card reader OR nokia pc suite. we need to elaborate things sometimes in full details to understand by people who has no knowledge about phone enhancement.
you have a really big problem eh? hope this one solves it...just click it,baby!:
well i have tried both your theroys and they only copy over the songs, no games, word and all that
Is anyone have problems with battery life? Mine is going flat in under a day and only using it for 1 hour of calls
@b2 theres an easier way when you go into pc suite choose file manager then 6680 then drag and drop memory card over (when it shows memory card and phone drives) to a folder of your choice it copies everything including hidden files
sorry but i have no idea bout windows ME. yes, 512mb will work fine with the unit. if you don't want to transfer each apps one by one, you can do it by clicking SELECT ALL/COPY/PASTE...with that, all HIDDEN FILES like word, excel,adobe reader etc. that comes from the 64mb memory card included in the package will also be copied with the use of a MEMORY CARD READER($10) thru Nokia PC suite.
thanx dude but does this fone support 512mmc n wat if i m not able 2 tranfer in 1 go coz i dunno wana take the headache of transferin 1 by 1 or thru sites n does pc suite only work in Win 2k n win xp coz i hav win ME in my PC??plz help me
N6680 comes with Real Player so there's no need for you to look for an MP3 player.
-click the real player icon/OPTION/NEW TRACKLIST/choose fone or mmc/type the name of new TRACK LIST/select and MARK the MP3 that you want to play/OPTION/click Select Marked Items and it would automatically play the New Track List.
pls read my reply to clare on this page. copying 64mb files to 256mb. You may use 512mb if you want to(the price ranges from $50 -$60).
Does dis fone support 512MB MMC?
if i hav 2 shift from 64MB to 512MB how will i get all the s/w like word,exel n games into that?plz help
where is the mp3 player to be found? is there one?
by the way, i can't answer some questions immediately...please consider the TIME ZONE. He! He!
Just CLICK the address/links below to DOWNLOAD the softwares you like for free, yeah...FOR FREE!
Each UNDERLINED SOFTWARES has detailed information.
Thanks for the e-mails. Keep on postin' here or my mailbox if you want to ask more.
I'm just here to HELP...
Hey, i was wondering if anyone who knows their stuff can help me decide whether to buy the nokia 6680 or an LG u8180? Any help would be grateful. Thanks in advance. Lee
If you want to Change Font again- Once you removed the installed Font, your CP will ask you to Turn it OFF. DON't DO IT, just proceed to the next step and that is by searching .gdr files on E drive.COPY/PASTE to C/Fonts Folder.
@black tiger,
I told you Nokia 6680 is the best. SE700 is too big,N6630 has no protective lens cover.
Yes it has a light sensor
1.Use the Nokia PC suite
2.Plug-in your CP(with 64mb) to your PC with the USB cable.
3.Click the Memory Card icon. Select all because it has HIDDEN FILES.Then, click COPY to your PC.
4.Remove the 64mb mmc and replace it with the 256mb mmc.
5.Click the memory card icon again and COPY the files you've transferred to your PC earlier.
6.Click SOUND folder, create another folder for tones...
7.COPY the aac files you want.
*If it doesn't work, then there's something wrong on your memry card. Buy a memory card reader ($10). It's very useful anyways. If that's the case, you may install all Nokia softwares one by one from the links i've posted here.BUT prior to that,go to TOOLS/MEMORY CARD icon then click FORMAT.
CHANGING FONT: (You might need this 'cause the TEXT are very small in MESSAGING..what if your drunk,eh?
Install FONT REMOVER. Remove the installed fonts on C drive...don't worry you have back-up files on Z drive. Install Font File with .SIS extension. Turn off then ON. PRESTO! That's it.
If you want to change the font again...
Make sure you have a back-up copy of the installed SIS/font file in your memory card along with some .GDR files/fonts you like.
You may create your own folder for this just like mine.
Now, install (again!) the SIS/font file you have removed. Go to E drive, Find File by typing *.gdr. Copy the selected .gdr/font file to C drive/FONTS FOLDER. You will see a .gdr file, delete it then PASTE the .gdr file you have selected earlier.
Turn-Off and On your phone. That's it!
If you want more .gdr files, e-mail me or visit the sites posted by...B2rete. That's me, Yahooo!
Thank you very much b2rete .... I think I am going now to buy the 6680 if not, I'll get the 6630 or the Sony Ericsson s700i..
Thank You Claire
dont all you can see in your memory card is images, videos, sounds etc you cannot transfer games and word, excel and all that, i even done a backup on the pc suite and it does not save the games and all that, does anyone else know a way roulnd it or i will have to get th memory card reader
use file manager on pc suite to transfer them and use pc suite to put aac files on the phone you can then use em for ringtones
@b2, do i use the nokia pc suite as its my games, PTP and word, excel and all that stuff will it still copy
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