In my opinion it's broken mate. Have you tried contacting the supplier? If not, this would be your first port of call.
my nokia 6680 just shuts off anytime... it happened twice, does anyone have the same prob? wat the cause? i had the same prob with my 6630.. it just shuts off nut when turned on its good though. it just shuts off but the battery still in three bars...
Just ordered mine, they was going to charge me £99 but then i said i will leave then they offered me it for £49.99 plus £10 of me line rental for 12 months so i get 400 mins and 1000 text for £35 a month (im on the o2 online tariff), so thats what you got to do guys if your just upgrading
Nokia 6680 on O2 website @ £69.99 (contract):
6680 is out on o2 now and you can order!i work for them
@ AshD, i phoned again today and they told me that i should wait until the phone appears on the website before ordering it. The lady said that if i was to order it, it would be backlogged. She said it was £99 but i said i was told i could get it for free which she agreed with, so i guess i wait till it appears on the site!??
Knowing 02 this will take forever, any thoughts?
@yul + anyone else interested.
Font changes on 6600 - believed to work on 6680:
**IMPORTANT** I take no responsibility for the accuracy of this information - use at your own risk. By using this info, you release me from any / all liability for any damage caused as a result of using the information contained herein.
Thaks to "Marul" and Zedge for this.
Quote: "Prior to installing these fonts, I suggest you install FExplorer on your phone:
Ok so here goes...
Step 1. Download the fonts from here:
Step 2. In the Zip file you will see
+ FontRemover.sis
+ tahoma.sis
+ modern.sis
+ set3v3.sis
+ mssans.sis
+ symbol.gdr
+ comic.gdr
Step 3. Send the FontRemover.sis to your phone and install it. Once installed, launch the application and it should ask you if you want to delete font. Click on Yes and it should tell you to reboot your phone. DO NOT REBOOT FIRST.
Step 4. Now send one of the font sis files, lets say modern.sis to your phone and install it to the C drive (your phone, NOT mmc). Once installed then reboot your phone.
Step 5. When it starts, you should see the default fonts replaced by the ones you have just installed.
Now I can't stress this more but you need to understand that you can only use ONE FONT at one time. If you want to use another font, you will have to go back to step 3 & 4.
As for the .gdr files, you will need to do it this way:
Step 1. Use FontRemover to remove the fonts.
Step 2. Open FExplorer and goto C:\system and create a "fonts" folder.
Step 3. Send the .gdr file to your phone. Do not open it as it will say unknown file format.
Step 4. Find the file in your mail folders (C or E:\system\mail\00001001_S\0-9, a-f) using FExplorer.
Step 5. Copy or Cut the file and then paste it to the C:\system\fonts folder.
Step 6. Exit FExplorer and then reboot your phone.
So its that simple. In my testing, I found that some fonts like tahoma & mssans does not make much different (well atleast to me) as the modern font did. Good luck!
Update: 23/12/04.
Dont worry about losing your default font. Your original font is stored in your Z:\system\font folder, so if you decide to remove the font you have installed with font remover or by deleting d C:\system\fonts folder, its totally safe." End Quote.
Hope this is of use to someone out there.
I'm sure the posting rules mention "English only" - some people appear to only have English as a supplementary language.
If you have this, and you like it, what more do you wish to know about "it"?
yes,i very like it,please tell me more about it!thanks
i've followed your instruction...however, i can't find the FONT SIZE on the message settings.
anyways,thanks 4 ur concern!
Yeah it was released yesterday. I was ordering them all day. phone never stopped. If you call today, you may just get one ordered. The phone will not be foc though unless your on the o2 max tariff. £99.99 on any other traiff. Yeah your video minutes are definately included within your free voice minutes per month, but like i said, as of 01/10/05 it will be then charged at 50p per min. And to Carlos, All you have to do to get one from O2 is ring up the new connection team. The stores do not have them yet apparantly, but we have here in the call centre. if your coming from orange, you will need your pac code if you want the same number.
Ash, I've just been on the O2 website, but all it says for the 6680 is "coming soon". How would I get one of these from O2?
@ AshD, i have been given such a run around by o2, first they told me it would be released on the 29th June, then the 4th July and i was told today that it wouldnt be in for a couple of days! Do they actually have some to order? I got a good tariff out of o2 but will they give me the phone for free and does the sim come free? Cool about the video calling being within the minutes, is this definate?
I've had this phone right early last June 2005 and now the End key just fell off. What I’m saying is that it looks nice but the keypad is not freakin' Durable. And it is an Original KeyPad just to Reiterate.
Hi, I work for O2 and these phones have just been released on our network today. I have ordered one myself as I want to use 3g for video calling. The good thing is, until the 31st sept 05, video calling will come under your free inclusive minutes. However from the 1st Oct 05, video calling will be charged @ 50p per message. The phone though is fantastic. i got to use one for a day about amonth ago and since then ive been dying to get my hands on one. Hopefully it will be here by the end of the week.
@yul plus anyone else:
Further to my last post, there is no option (that I can find) for changing the font on 6680 (or 6600 / 6630 apparently).
I'm looking for a Symbian app to do this, will post shortly........
I read in another forum that you can change the font size:
Quote: "Go to mesages, textmesages, message settings, font size. Should be there".
Hope this helps, post here if it works, so everyone else knows.
Unfortunately I'm still waiting for Orange to get their finger out of their arse and get some new upgrade stock in, so I do not yet have a new 6680 on which to test this.
Send it back?
I've bought the Nokia 6680 and unforturnly it was boken .the day after i can't turned it on . How can i slove this prolem
hy there!!! i just bought a 6680 and i need a bigger mmc for has only 64m one. can somebody help me?
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