Can someone tell me
-what is the maximum number of messages it can hold?
-Can we record voice? many..?
Answers expected from the real users.
i love it
no comment
a)Really good battery life.(almost 4 days with 3 hrs talk)
b)Good java app support(like Opera mini and eBuddy).
c)Great looks.
d)Light Indicator.
e)mp3 ringtone support.
f)1 min call recording.
g)UI same as any other s40 high-end phone(like 5610 Xpress Music)
h)Separate loudspeaker on the outside. You can talk with flip closed.
i)Shows call duration during call.(6300,5300, 3110c other s40 phones cant show it)
a)Build problems. Eg- The flip wiggles, the battery cover squeaks(really annoying when u text)
b)No connectivity except for Packet Data.(U can use wap-upload sites to send mp3 tones, games, apps, images etc)
do u know this nokia 7070 prism is non camera and more fuction
hi friends!
just simple and cute
clear voice
i love it!
i seen this mobile on gsm arena and i love it but i cant find one in australia ,i live here and i havent seen in shops i would like to get it looks nice and unusual currently i have nokia 6280 i had many nokias from n-seies to cheap ones but i want this when is coming in aust?
yo, 08 Mar 2009can v transfer data from pc ? can we connect 7070 with pc ?@upqC
There are no connection for this phone except GPRS.
Hi, I've been using this phone for a month already. Actually, to start off, this is my 2nd handset of this kind, the Nokia 7070 Prism. I bought my first one, it was pink, then on it's 3rd day it was stolen in some high school house party. That's just how hot it is.
First time I saw it's kind (Prism: 7070, 7500, 7900) It was love at first sight. I wanted the 7500 one but it was sold out in our town and this one's the only one available of its kind. I don't really like flip phones and I'm not much of a cellphone type of person (as long as I can call and text, it's all good) but this phone really caught my attention. I don't like phones with a lot of fancy applications in it. I just want to text and call my contacts, save my next appointment, and set my alarm clock.
Here's the only thing I DON'T LIKE about it--
it loads very slow.
I text really really quick but the phone loads really SLOW!!
iT's really not helping me and my busy life :(
but the design is incredibly an eye catcher!
The over all performance, I must say is GOOD ENOUGH.
hope this helps! :)
yo, 08 Mar 2009can v transfer data from pc ? can we connect 7070 with pc ?y not...try it if failed...tell me
can v transfer data from pc ? can we connect 7070 with pc ?
bubalanak, 28 Feb 2009I like Nokia 7070 Prism only just for the way it look like.There are no features and i wonder ... morejust had mine today, and ja i just use it for my only call phone. i'm a bit concern about people couldnt hear me, since i am using it most for international calling with cheap connection, so this might makes it even worse. but correction, i think the mic is not on the back, its near to the right scroll key... i might be wrong.
Hello everybody..tokIn' ABt NOkiA 7070 PRIsm?? CoOL, sExy, Slim, StyliSh, EaSy to cArrY aROunD anD vEry rEliablE..onE oV NokIA's bEsT cREatiOn..hAS a gooD bAttEy lifE..SuppOrTs mp3..Can rEcOrd CaLls..gooD sOunD..CAN StoRe upTO 1,000 Sms (tHAt's wot i'Ev hEarD)..12mB Built-In-mEMory...aND hEre's tEH bEst paRT..ApArt fRM it'S SLeek anD StyliSh DesIgn..iT haS a NotiFICatiOn ligHt at thE FroNt OV tHE FlAp COvER wHiCH aDd's ExtRa bEAuty tO thIS DaRliNg anD graB's AttEntiOn..=D
JuST gOt onE iN bluE lASt nYt..anD i JuSt LovE iT..
iT'S wORth A buY..If yOu'rE plAnnIn' tO gET OnE..Don'T watSe yOR tYm..gET you'Re aSs In thE StOre anD gET YouRsELves a PRisM..;)
I bought this phone on 04-Mar, 2009 of $62.00.
Its a Good and Excellent Phone, and having an attractive look, and smart design.
I sugest any body that want a simple phone should have this, Nokia 7070 Prism.
wat is "Nokia Xpress Audio Messaging"???
bubalanak, 28 Feb 2009I like Nokia 7070 Prism only just for the way it look like.There are no features and i wonder ... moreI had a similiar problem. Maybe you keep this phone to close to your mouth when You speak. This was reason why no one could hear me whnen i was speaking.
I like Nokia 7070 Prism only just for the way it look like.There are no features and i wonder why there is 10 Mb internal memory and mp3 when there is no way to use it.There is no bluetooth or usb or data cabel?!But i can pass this cons,beacouse i use this phone only for calls.But the main cons for me to this pnone is that NO ONE CAN HEAR ME CLEARLY WHEN I SPEAK and in my opinion this is beacause the speakerphone is in srange pousition - on the back on the phone.
bg, 24 Dec 2008Can anyone please tell me how many sms can this phone store? I read the specs that it has arou... moreYeah...You can store up to 250sms in your inbox or saved items and you can also save 1000 sms in your SENT item.....These are the things that i am know about it.....
Roberta, 21 Jan 2009I've bought this phone just few days ago and I like it: it's nice and easy to use. Unfortuna... moreHi....I have 7070 prism.I have the same problem.....But i dont know how can i solve this problem.....Anyway, I am going to buy a cable for my cellphone.Do you know which cable is suitable????
good handy
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