is there ne difference btwn 7900 crystal & 7900 prism???? specifications are the same!!!
Very Stylish and smart looking.
Wow, I love this one even more than the 7900 Prism. I loved that one for it's purple keys, but this purple exteriour is absolutely gorgeous!
I do hope that these keys don't get scratched easily... The 7900 Prism does... hope they made these keys out of glass instead of plastic..
WOW - I WANT ONE!!! This is a gorgeous looking phone, definately one for the girls tho :-)
This Phone is like my new Audi A4, It is cool, rings people, it is black, altho my audi is not black, the wheels are though. I like my audi, It was not freee, I had to buy it with money, big big moneys,
I think it looks awful..NOKİA can produce nice and design phones if he wants..Why this phone is soo horrible???
why nokia always producing this useless phone.
this is ugly phone ever made.
i love the look of this phone and for that reason i would buy looks awesome!!!!
i love the look of this phone!!! it looks awesome!!!1
Man This phone is sweat but i was just wondering when this phone comeing out and if there is a color black.
attractive model good looking,
If your gonna ask me this phone SUCKS and the color is NOT pleasing to the eyes balck and violet such a ugly color and NO! added extra features!!! this phone sucks!!! and this phone are suited for women only!
most of d women r in technology field today!!
lol i agree wif u.lots of women today r oso in technology field.
Unique phone
wht abt new OLED display?????????
Well practically speaking I can afford this phone but it is not that worth to buy!!! No offend I'm just telling the truth because this phone has only basic features and No extra added features buiult inside and the design looks like my remote control for my Wide large screen television!
Hello Every
99% of the people who use this site are men. Men have a fascination with technology that women just don't understand.
For example, I'm really interested in the Samsung G810, and she loves this phone. She doesn't care how much memory it has or how nice the camera is, she just loves the fact that you can change the color of the keypad.
So if your a dude, don't hate on the phone because Nokia isn't targeting you anyways lol
Anyways, anyone know when this comes out?
damn.... is that the batman phone?
yes, i agree with the one who said that this phone is quite ugly, because the physical appearance is poor. and for me the previous nokia phones are more beautiful than this.
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