8210 is very beutifull and smart in small. i love u 8210 muaaachhhh....!!!!
Ich brauch den allroundsicherheits Code für dieses HAndy
This is a crock of crap. This novelty phone is basically a 6110 in a smaller footprint. I've broken 5 of them, the screen is a typical fault. To think I turned down a 6210 for this!
Ce dreacu toti vorbesc limbi straine aici! bah romanilor care aveti 8210 inseamna ca aveti bani! traiti rau, sau aveti bani?
it's the best cell ever. i have one too and if you wanna buy a cell 8210 is the best choice. could you sen me information about how can i buy 8210 by internet? a discounted one! and can i buy it from a local network? thank you!
i have 8210.
very very goo
Nokia sucks!!!
Just after six months!My display is going mad!!
Junk characters and just green light on the screen!!!
Never will buy a Nokia again!!!
I had this phone for nearly and day now and it broke on me. My brother suggested i got my money back. Nokia is very gay with the exeption of 8310,8250 and 6310.
8210 is very gay and stupid people who buy it new are gay. I was very stupid by buying this phone. My friend who is wise told me not to buy this phone, but i was nieve. I should of got a panasonic GD75 like my friend Alana.Troy who is his another wise friend got a 8210 but now know that is not very good but he is trying to get a better phone and he aswell told brian that 8210 is gay.
His other Alanis who also wise told brian not to get the nokia 8210. Adrian has a samsung A300. I am gay because i got a 8210.
i was a user of 8210 but i finnaly updated it : i bought a super 8310
ANY USER WHO HAD ENOUGH OF THIS MODEL BUY 8310 it is much better the backlight is super the menu is reworked the design is far better the radio is very handy !
Slovenija gre tut brez Zahovica naprej!!!
Z Nokio al pa brez nje. KDOR NE SKACE...
Simply shit.
nice nokia with a lot of options for such a little phone
verry bad opinion.i dont have signal,baterry is slow,i think is the most stupid phone
nokia is crap and that is true it is a guy who had used nokia phones since 5 years that says that and a man who knows the phone better than anyone else
kako si emi
This phone is smaller than a bomb. Easier to use, easier to handle, but i prefer my satellite phone.
I hade a Nokia 8210 for two weeks and it had 3 problems! 1.The display shut off all the time when the phone was on, lights only on. 2.SMS messages are 160 charters long but in Nokia 8210 it was only 60! 3.The battery lasted only one day! I returned the phone after two weeks and got my money back. Not a god Phone!
is very good
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