i've sold my N96 and purchase the N85 today . minus the 16g internal memory (a 16 gig memory card is available ), .2" difference of the screen size and a dvb-h tv receiver that does not work in the u.s.a . the N85 is by FARRRRR a more superior phone in functionality, style, and $$$$.
Will anyone post any comment on the navi wheel? Is it as bad as described in the review?
I have tested the N85 for 3days and should eventually get it when the price drops a bit.
The new oled screen is just awesome - beautifull colors and clarity & screen is quite big. Battery life seems to be much better than N95. Picture quality is somewhat the same as N95 but has a more powerfull flash thanks to the dual LED. Related to the camera i personally really like the sliding cover that protects it and also prevents it from working unless really needed. Slide mechanism seems to be also better than N95 (at least during my testing stage, who knows how it goes after some longer usage!!). I liked the solid pannels containing the touch buttons since dust cannot settle there as in my current 6280.
Since a lot of people asked about the sound quality, to me it sounded of better quality but of less loudness; which would only be necessary if you have problems in hearing incoming calls :)
During testing the N85 froze once but i was probably doing too much things at the same time while it was connected to the pc for data transfer and charging.As for the rest all functions seem to be just like the N95-8GB.
Final note: definately a mobile to have and definately my next one.
Is n85 java downloadable?please reply.
Anonymous, 18 Dec 2008heyy..should i prefer N85 or N79??whch phnone has better sound quality in both speakers and pl... moreif its sound quality u want y don u go for SE w980 it even beats ipods wen it comes down to audio clarity.
berry berry good
simply n85 and n79 diff is the bigger OLED screen on the n85 and normal screen on the n79
2nd diff is that the n79 is candybar design and n85 dual slider...
that's all you have to take into account..
the other things are similar and will be corrected in later firmwares...
mohan, 18 Dec 200823980 onlyheyy..should i prefer N85 or N79??whch phnone has better sound quality in both speakers and plug-ins...what are e' disadvantages of this two phones?(for tose who had bought this phone)...and how much does it cost in S'pore ??reply a.s.a.p ... thx =)
parush, 18 Dec 2008weel wat is the estimated price for nokia n85. can anyone tell me . i want to buy this one!23980 only
hey can u tell me what's the quality of nokia made by nokia?
da bad thing is without xenon flash??
how much?
weel wat is the estimated price for nokia n85. can anyone tell me . i want to buy this one!
woo im getting this phone next week
go on weed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
N85 is better than N95 8GB because better slider, OLED screen (richer colors and less power consuming), and much better battery life. n85 has fm transmitter, dual LED flash, more pocket friendly too..
camera wise the results seems even at current n85 firmware update, the n85 pics are better looking.
Anonymous, 16 Dec 2008i think u should go with n95 8gbwill u plz say y , in what ways N95 8G is better than N96 & N85 ??
because i'm also choosing between those 3
RoMeO, 16 Dec 2008I just bought it 2 days ago and the performance is great and in the review they said that that... morebut i've heared N96 battery longevity is too short in comparison to other cell phones!!
hey i saw this gadget last week it really had my attention with all that auto rotate thing it has, can you guys tell me whats the best thing you think this thing can do?
and what does the transmitter do ? and lastly what does the navi button do ?
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