here man, whit can a say abooot this wee fella, av no seen it yet in real life but high fives you guys because everyone agrees this phone really does rock ma boat ye ken, for wan fing av never hud a phone thats got bluetooth so thats a biggy for me, another hing this stirling has more memory than my 3 computers in the house put the gither so aw in aw guys go for it and get yersels wan ae these because fink aboot it if you dont you will never know if its gud or no.any questions on spec gees a wee shout
I'm only new to writing in the forums.About 3 days ago actually. Been reading them for about a year. One thing that absolutely does my head in is this. The fact that people whinge and complain. It's as simple as this. Nokia phone's aren't going to do all the things that WM phones are. One is a smart phone with a computer based OS(WM). The other is not. SE's new C905 is not going to do the things the N96 will. It is not aimed at that. It is predominately a camera phone. The N96 is a do it all phone. They will both have their down falls and highlights. It is as simple as that. How about all the people who want to argue about which phone is the be all and end all grand champion, switch their computer off, go outside and find a girlfriend because in two weeks there will problally be a whole lot of new phones out that will make the N96, C905 and every other phone on the market, look like a piece a junk.
Symbian enthusiasts must consider the following
1 - Use the screen estate better
You will probably agree that this is due to the lousy QVGA resolution. But even with QVGA, I can’t help but think that the screen estate can be used better, way better. Take for example the messaging, the settings, the gallery. Every option in the OS seems to have a huge icon, with a name next to it. Most of my screen space is blank.
2 - Customizable standby screen
Every single person who has used WM for a while can tell you just how versatile, how useful, how customizable is the Today screen (WM equivalent for standby screen). It’s not a matter of picking which shortcut icons are on display. It’s a matter of which modules or items are displayed. And the modules? They range from the silliest to the most useful: date and clock, calendar, notifications, user ID,… those are the silliest. The most useful? Well, it depends on your needs. Developers can create today plug-ins to applications. You can have a module for displaying shortcuts to your favorite software, another for activating connectivity (BT, IR, WiFi, 3G), another for showing the number of your unread feed items and even displaying some titles, and it goes on and on. comparing the S60 standby to the WM today and anyone can see WM is miles ahead. And that’s just scratching the surface. I have the most unclustered today screen ever, with only 2 raws: SPB Pocket Plus and SPB Mobile Shell and frankly, I can access everything, EVERY SINGLE THING, on my device using only those. I simply forgot how WM operates out-of-the-box. Quite impressive, ain’t it? I would like S60 to let developers access the standby screen. I’d like to be able to customize it to display what I want.
3 - Standardization
Every WM professional (touchscreen) device ships with each function in the same place. If I pick up my friend’s HTC Touch or my trainer’s HTC TyTn II or someone’s iMate Jasjar, and wanted to change the theme, activate bluetooth, launch Word, get Help, I know EXACTLY where to look. If I take my friend’s N73 or my other friend’s N76 or the other’s 6120, it will take me a while to find my way around the menu. Even out-of-the-box. If you owned 2 S60 devices, you’d know what I am talking about. For God’s sake, the N95 had 2 Media folders in different places! I beg you S60, stop the non-sense. Follow one configuration, and by one, I mean One, Une, Uno, Wahida, and if that’s not good enough, I can get you a translation in each language on earth. From my experience with devices so far, I think the Nokia 6120 has the best menu layout: it is the one that makes most sense except for the My Own folder that should be named Applications.
Talking about standardization, we need some standard menu heights in S60. The standby screen has one height, the menu another, applications another. It’s crazy!
4 - Automatic Access Point
Pretty simple. Once I connect over WiFi on WM5, it doesn’t ask me what access point i would like to use in every single connectivity demanding application, over and over and over and over… That’s not smartphone-like, that’s dumbphone. Just stick to the access point I am using. And if I am on wap, gprs, 3g, tell me there’s another viable option around, like WiFi.
5 - Get the connection from my computer
When I connect my WM device to a laptop or computer that has an on-going internet connection, the connection is routed to my device. And best of all, it doesn’t ask me questions, doesn’t need settings, it just works, out-of-the-box.
6 - Gimme shortcuts
On WM, when I press Options, I get a list of actions with one letter underlined (on qwerty based devices) or one number underlined (on 12key devices), pretty much like the menus in Microsoft Windows. If I press the underlined key, the device performs the action. No need to scroll up or down. Simple and efficient.
7 - Start on boot
In WM, like on the desktop, there’s a Startup folder where you can put shortcuts to all applications that you want to launch when the device boots. It’s splendid. I can choose which built-in apps don’t launch and which 3rd party software do. S60 needs to give the user the option to do that himself without having to rely on a developer’s generosity to implement it in the software.
8 - Contacts look-up improvement
It’s Adam from pocketnow who opened my eyes to this. Apparently when you start typing on a WM standby, it opens the contacts but looks them up in a T9 way. For example, if you type “2? it will look for contacts with a name/family name with an a, b or c. If you type 23, it will look for those with da, db, dc, ea, eb, ec, fa, fb and fc. You get the picture. It works the same way as SkeyQuiKey. I would love to see it implemented in S60 itself.
9 - Tell me my free RAM
In WM, I have access to see my free RAM. Why don’t I on S60? This is a major performance booster. Plus I would love to see ALL my running software, and not just those that kindly appear when I press the menu button for a while. Like for example, why don’t the Log, Gallery, Music Player, Contacts, show in there as running, when they show up in any other task manager?
10 - Let me choose what folders load in Gallery
The picture viewer in WM functions the same way the file explorer does, which means it will only display the My Pictures folder, when it’s first opened, showing the pictures and videos captured by the built-in camera. But I can navigate through my real folders in order to see what images are kept in these. That’s the way it should be, I think, in S60. If not, let me pick some “banned” folders, which images are not displayed in the gallery.
Bonus - 11 - Profession-axed software
I have said it, over and over again. S60 needs to be recognized as a professional operating system. That would mean getting profession-axed software : engineering, medical, law, graphic design,… Just for example, there’s a mobile version of Autocad for WM, that’s the software engineers use. When profession-axed software are available for S60, it will get a wider adoption. Not having this acknowledgment now is, in my sincere point of view, the major thing holding S60 back. Many of you will probably disagree.
These are the 11 improvements I believe S60 could use in order to achieve better user experience. What do you think? Is there anything you’d like to add to the list, or retrieve? Do you believe any of those will ever make it to S60, and if so, do you believe it’s due in the near future? Or will my grandchildren one day come to me and say “look, granny, I can see my free RAM! I bet that’s something you couldn’t do!”.
lots more but we will leave it at that....for now!
Dani, 30 Jun 2008W890i is Perfectw980i is suck trust me n96 sik fone
Robie, 30 Jun 2008too bulky and therefore not sexy enough, the Se w890 fits anywhere in my pocket,W890i is Perfect
sexy fone of the year
rudeboi, 26 Jun 2008nokia is a better phone period for me. i've had the htc phones as well as the lg and the treo'... moreNo sexy enough for me my man, Celebrity Fergie had an SE,
julie, 27 Jun 2008I can not stand SE phones they are standard & very boring to use!!! Bring it on NOKIA!!!too bulky and therefore not sexy enough, the Se w890 fits anywhere in my pocket,
The N96 is an awsome phone no doubt about that but, yet the se W890 fits perfectly in my jean pocket. This is where we seperate the boys from the girls the Se W890 is a sexy phone, damn I wish Nokia would think about something like the W890.
Hi! This is N95+N81. Nokia like Motorola is the worst in the market. They are sleep whith the fame that they have got 5 years ago!
Anonymous, 29 Jun 2008new sample picture below moreyeah woooooow it got best view pix for n96 pic taken i bet it better than c905 lol n96 rule!!!!!!
Like No Other, 29 Jun 2008I think Nokia N96 is the best phone made by Nokia it has everything a person could ask for. Wh... moreyeah i agree with u it the best fone in the world im gettin diz fone 4 ma bday cnt w8 still se suck
I think Nokia N96 is the best phone made by Nokia it has everything a person could ask for. When this phone comes out i will be the first person to get it i dont care if i pay 50 pound a month at lest i have what i wanted. People trust me this is a wicked phone.
new sample picture below
I'nokia fan, N96 is the best.
its look alike n81
Tsepz, 29 Jun 2008Why should we care about the c905? Its another weak SE java with nothing new except the 8mp ca... moretrue i agree wid u dude c905 that only new fing is the camera but n96 is best fonee it hve everyfing u cud ask 4
Why should we care about the c905? Its another weak SE java with nothing new except the 8mp camera lol! Please don't bring up the c905,its destroyed by the N96!
superb !
To Codebraker: SE c905 is only the phone, Nokia n96 is smart phone. you can't compare it! On se c905 you can't install Garmin,tomtom or any other no java application so i think SE c905 sucks!
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