Asked this a few weeks ago but haven't got anywhere since -
The MP3 player is great on this phone but has anyone worked out what detemines the order that the tracks are stored in?
I have put them in album order on the sd card (i.e. so it plays them as if I was listening to the CD) and this works in the main but the phone seems to pick the odd track or two out and stick it amongst a bunch of non-related tracks.
Any advice gratefully received.
Other than this - great little phone!
and not mentioning any names (cause I can't remember) but is everyone really complaining now?
No. Thought Not.
no one is really moaning, just making comments and opinions, and is possible you could speak english instead of that "txt spk" nonsense. after all the the posting rules do state english only
it is a very nice lookin fone n has sum very gud qualities 2 it. u should all stop moanin u r da 1'z dat bought da fon deal wiv it. my fone iz PERFECT!!.
The phone is really cool but it is a shame it dosent have a bluetooth conection
If you've downloaded pictures etc your internet IS working!
Upgrades are free, but there is a small inconvienience that your phone WILL be sent off to the o2 service centre.
My screen never does the white thing and doesn't show old missed calls etc. Maybe its a fualty handset?
I am on contract and i cant seem to get on the internet. I have downloaded some ringtones and some wallpapers but I can't view them because my internet won't connect!
"My phone version is 1.08.01 - can this be updated and is it expensive?"
To update the software on your X3 from O2 would be free.
"The problem is that the card (the one provided with the phone) is apparently read-only. Do I have to buy a new one or is this a fault?"
On the miniSD adapter there's a small safety switch, just change the position.
Sorry if this has been said already but I've read through 5 pages and just been confused by the "txt spk".
When I open my phone I often get a white screen with a single blue vertical line on the right hand side or a blank screen. The outer screen also sometimes shows old missed calls or messages. Does anyone else have these problems or any solutions for them?
My phone version is 1.08.01 - can this be updated and is it expensive?
I'm also having a problem getting mp3 files onto the memory card - yes I have a converter and a memory stick. The problem is that the card (the one provided with the phone) is apparently read-only. Do I have to buy a new one or is this a fault?
Any help much appriciated, thanks Gemma
Louise, "Well three day into having my phone and no major problems (touch wood) apart from having a couple of sim errors, and the front screen went blank and had a cople of lines going downwards, but when i opened the phone it went away and went back to the normal screen. Is this the start of something big??"
Nah. It happens all the time, on other models also... there is nothing to worry about...
The x3 is a state of the art piece of equipment, I mean come on it has a 1.3mp cam, and a mp3 player with a video It's the 'daddy'
Well three day into having my phone and no major problems (touch wood) apart from having a couple of sim errors, and the front screen went blank and had a cople of lines going downwards, but when i opened the phone it went away and went back to the normal screen. Is this the start of something big??
Thanks mike.
Can I just say on the "txt spk" rule I mentioned earlier, surely that is disallowed by the "Use Common Sense" rule?
Hey Nick,
keep it up pal, and thanks for the very usefull info.
My email address.
Give it a while mate, Read my post...
Read back and find my guide to this problem!
"hi i have a problem with my fone. my brother tried to send me a ringtone usind infa-red. wen he was sending it my fone automatically switched off! and it wont turn back on now!!!
if i put it on charge then the screen comes up with the battery on it but i just cant turn it on
Leave the battery out of the phone for 24-48 hrs... it should then work...
Lyn, there is no offence intended to anybody that I say, and I completely apologise if I have caused offence. The reason I disagree with many of the posts on here is because the reasoning is completely stupid!
I feel that in the past I have "attacked" people, but for what? People who say the phone is completely crap just because the text input is different from a Nokia, or people who do not find the phone the same as a Nokia or a SonyEricsson model of a similar specification...!
I admit, this phone does have its problems! For example my handset has just started to delete my downloaded games!
But when I do spot a problem, notice I say handset, as in MY model, not the entire range!
And, Lyn, I do not "take the piss" out of people for having an opposing opinion to myself, I give people constructive criticsm, or advice on how to fix the problems with it!
The only people I am nearing to attack are the people who ask questions about a feature of the phone which has been answered on the previous page!
Lyn, as I have said before, If I have offended you, and for that matter anybody on this forum, I am totally sorry, and take back any offensive objects on the site.
And as for the people who continually use text speak, I feel I have to have a go at these particular people, purely for the fact that there is no character limit or a limit on the amount of letters per word so there is no reason to speak like that! There is no time limit to how long you can type for, so there is no reason for it!
I admit that this phone isn't the best in the world, but by far its the best in its availbale price range...
I do not consider myself to "bully" people and feel hurt by this remark. I hate people who bully other people and do not consider my actions to be of a "bullyish" nature...
Dan... I apologise if my reply was insulting.
I think the x3 is a good mobile purely for the fact I have not used recent nokias or other handsets. But for £150 you cannot really go wrong.
For a final note I apologise, and will not "retaliate" to other peoples opinions, I am going to check this forum as to any replies any of you may have, and for any questions anybody may also have. And for new posters wondering about MP3's or phones not turning on, I have typed below a small guide which I hope people will appreiciate...
For MP3 Playback, you need a MiniSD adaptor and a card reader. You need to plug your MiniSD adaptor into the SD socket on your reader, and browse to it. There should be four folders. Music, Video, Images, and Java. Place your MP3 files (64k+ 44,000khz, 16-bit, stereo) into the Music folder. Put the memory card back into the phone, go to menu -> media centre -> MP3 -> option -> Edit playlist, and tick every MP3 you would like to play.
Infrared on this phone has no Send feature. It is not possible. It can't be done. You can recieve by IR, by going to Tools, then Infrared.
If your phone has recently turned itself off, then will refuse to power back on, take out the battery and leave it for 24 hours to 48 hours (1 - 2 days). Put the battery back in and it should work.
There is a new software version which you can upgrade to by visiting your loal o2 store and getting the phone sent off.
The latest version (at present) is 1.22.01.
To see your software version, type *#300# and press Call.
To "test" features of your phone, the MMI Test menu may come in handy. *#301#. From here you can test your camera, keep the flash on (handy for a "torch"), test the display, alarms, loudspeaker, etc.
Thanks for listening, and once again I am sorry for any offence caused. I do not see this as a "battle". See you soon.
why isn't anyone helping me?!?!?!?!?
hi if u scroll down a bit theres a bit on the o2 x3 not turning on after trying to send something thru infared
ma fone wont turn on now
can any1 help plzplzplzplzplz!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Nick, i was so pleased when reading thru all the comments you stated that you had made your last post.....unfortunatley it was not to be!!
Hi there Dan here 14/02/05 comments.
Just a note on your reply to my post.
The comments were my opinions based my experience with the phone, i find your reply post quite insulting.
Hurrah for Lyn totally agree with you. I'm sure the X3 is a good phone (especially for you nick!!) I just didn't get on with it.
Nick when I refer to data i mean if i press my green button on my nokia it accessed my last dialed calls (data) in 0.5secs (short time) if i pressed the same function on the X3 a lovely loading screen appeared and i had to wait about 7-10secs (long time), it was quicker to go into contacts and select the number manually!! The same goes for accessing text messages (data) picture messages (data) media messages (data)!!
I stand by all my other comments, i didn't find the phone at all user friendly and i think that 02 are having the last laugh when you pay them extra money for accessories and downloads that come as standard on other phones.
I guess i did chicken out but then O2 did only give me a 14 day cooling off period!!!
I got out quick and looking at the other comments on here I'm glad i did.
Thanks John, that was very helpfull.
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