Congratulation and good job SAMSUNG! Nokia and SE are shaken with D900 camera offering even though samsung only uses convention 3megapixel cam and it is already compared to k800 and N73 which both uses Xenon and Carl Zeiss respectively.
I am not impressed with N73 and K800 because both have not yet tasted the best of samsung camera and samsung Z710 is one of few to mention. LOL
SHARP 903SH beats them all
Hey, how about you guys compare these phones to the 903SH which was released a year ago? No one ever does reviews and comparisons with SHARP phones, and they deserve it as SHARP is one of, if not the best camera phone manufacturer on the GSM market.
Overall N73 takes better pics, specially the Outdoor photos.
sharp and there's no blur. Good job nokia!
It is unfair that gsm arena chose D900 to compare with K800 and N73. They should have picked samsung Z710 which has also 3 megapixel and a dedicated camera phone plus 3G. Z710, N73 and K800 should be compared in terms of camera. But I bet Nokia and SE cannot beat the video quality of Samsung D900. Still I choose D900 because the comparison try out is lacking.
Neutral comment here...
I see the camera in the N73 pretty good. However, the noise reduction processing effects the quality of details. If you look closely at all the photos, the N73 some how tends to smugged out the finer details. Colur wise, the N73 is very good, but could be abit over done, never the less, very vivid indeed.
If side by side comparison, photo quality wise, N73 and K800 are on par (give take here and there.. eg. K800 more details, less vivid colours, N73 less details, more vivid colours... etc etc) D900... unfortunately... oh well... don't wanna say it... cause I'm samsung fan.
The advantage of K800 would be better macro mode... but something is not right... my K800 produces far better photo quality then any of the photos taken by the N73 or K800 in the comparison... I wonder is it the firmware or something. Also... the xenon flash really works wonders.
My stand... both are equally matched... depending on what you need :-)'s pics look over-saturated and pixelated. they look vivid but lack the details. for eg, the water droplets on the purple flower...i first thought they were some kind of smudges. as some1 said, it looks like nokia is playing a game with users (if the over saturation is done intentionally).
D900's pics aren't THAT bad i reckon. and i also assume that the camera sensor's size is much smaller in the d900 due to its size...which means d900 has done a pretty neat job in obtaining such pics. more depth of colour would've made the pics look better.
SE...yep' they look good...but not good enough to deserve the 'cyber-shot' title i believe.
1. SE
2. SS
3. N
NOKIA completely takes over SE cameraphone this time.Just look at most of the pictures and u see that N73 takes better pictures than K800i. Furthermore it is a symbian phone means that you can put all kind of software into it...dat is very great. I am used to symbian phone and its really hard to change to non-symbian phone. Well for me...symbian is a great OS. Just try it once and u will fall in love with it. However i think N73 will be very expensive here due to its functions.
Talk about bitterness huh SE fans... you just cant accept that N73 is overall BETTER. It has a better camera, OS, better video, reliability, you just cant deal with it... your CHEAP (and can i say CHEAP!!!!! crappy materials... juck!) phone lost
i think ill pick either Nokia or se but never samsung. Well, i think samsung is quite stingy when creating their fon cameras bcoz i think there has never been a time that they ruled this feature and to think that they are able to create high megapixel camera like 5-7mpx. oh well, another extra point for se for having the xenon flash. and an extra point for nokia for giving a higher vid res that somewhat defeated se.. hehehe, but to speed, i think se will have gain another extra point.. Im just stating the fact...
N73 definitely did well. Compare the details of the plant's leaves and twigs, u'll see what i mean! ;-)
For most of the outdoor pics, N73 performs better. But I think K800 does better for low-light scenes.
Have you guys checked N73's shot of that pink flower (macro mode)? What are those purple dots around the center of the flower? Flower texture/detail? Camera noise? Or post-processing artifacts?
The N73 stands out!!! the pictures are sharp, lively,and no blurs.. Eventhough the N73 doesnt have a xenonflash, it still took a decent shot unlike the D900, the noise are everywhere! hehe! k800 is just better at night.. ;-)
nokia seems to be better because it uses over-saturated colours and over-sharpened pics to cover the camera's deficiencies, like cheap audio speakers that uses boomy and bloated bass to cover up for lack of details.
for example, look at the first group of pictures of the fenced carpark with overhead trees. the leaves on the trees of the n73 are basically one big over-smoothened green sponge, where on the k800i and d900, the shape of the leaves can be seen.
again, at the pic where there are 2 girls standing (one with the green top), the n73 oversmoothens the bushes to a green sponge, while d900 and k800i remains relatively visible. also, the blue color on the jeans of the girls look oversaturated on the n73, while k800i's looks the most natural.
what the n73 does to its pics is to over-smoothen them first, then sharpen them, so that the pictures look like they are noise free and appear sharp at the same time. these little tricks will fool the average users. but upon closer inspection, a photography buff will tell you that the n73 takes shortcuts to make its pictures appear to be very good.
i say k800i is the best, followed by d900 then n73.
Overall I'd say the N73 has the best photo quality of the three, followed by the K800 and then the D900.
It seems the photos taken with the K800 lack a bit of colour depth, where as the N73 has bright, vivid colours. The D900 lacks colour depth and, at times, definition.
Slow slow... symbians phones all is always slow in processing. Bad nokia phones. Whats the point of installing application causing your phone lags? Lamers~ SE doesn't face all this lagging problems. Start-up phone is a lot faster.
Who says virus is not a topic to compare? Once your n73 got attacked by virus, gone case my friend. Your phone is useless to you. Ok, you might say there are many phone anti-virus... and again, it will lagggg your phone processing! Try to keep 1000+ messages and like 500+MB app in your memory card... compare yourself the speed between N73 and K800i!
the N73 does well, but all the extra digital processing, like noise reduction and color saturation really mess up the accuracy of the pics. several pics look washed out, which destroy the detail that the K800i is able to capture.
Honestly, it seems as if Nokia is trying to fool the avg customer with this extra processing. All the pics are bright, overly saturated with color and sharp. Yes it looks nice to the lay person, but the real purpose of a camera is to capture the image as close to natural as possible. The N73 really fails at this compared to the K800i.
the pics sony ericsson picture looked better for me was the close up for the teddy bear,one in the park with yellow flowers. u guys will say in the flash light one too but the difference was not that striking.
nokia rocked in all the other ones!!! it was totally awesome... i can't wait for my n73 to get here!!!! i will miss my n80 wifi... but hey EDGE do the job! =D not to mention its quadband, and smartphone... hmm at last i got a kick ass camera from the w600 to the nokia 6270, then n80 now the n73
yup, nokia did a great job for the camera improvement, at least nearly to SEk800i. I think I will choose N73 than SEk800i, because the Nokia Video is better than SEk800i, oh ya GSM please post Video review of this two, I can't find SEk800i video sample in internet, is it so bad the video of SEk800i???
sony ericsson fans are bitter =P
well, well, for the first time in my life, i'm impressed by the nokia camara quality, n73 does take beauiful pictures, but for some reason, it is one of the worst looking nseries phone! so for any of u who wants to buy a camera phone, get urself a SE K800i, i've used it for nearly a month now, n it never cause me a problem, the camera is perfect, SE kicks Nokia a**!
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