after three years of XZ1, time to upgrade. once sony always a sony
I am looking forward to the 10 ii reviewl!!
PotatoHead, 03 Jun 2020That's the thing. Burn ins aren't a massive issue like people make it out to be. Yeah it does ... moreAgree I have had not all but some of the best IPS LCD screen smartphones and I would never go back. No matter how good they are they mis big time against OLED. Also for example my almost 2 year Huawei with oled was changed under warranty for free. Even goes new battery (they cannot change the screen without changing with new battery). it had 2 year warranty. So smart people even if they get burn in they can wait end of warranty change screen ad do another 2 years :) Total 4 years
Shanti Dope, 04 Jun 2020Not a matter of who made the panel or what. It's how the panel is used by a certain manufactur... morePanel is a panel and two manufacturers can do different things with the same panel simply as one manufacturer demands only the quality pieces from the line while the other takes them all no mater the quality control. That's the first step and then come the controllers and drives and what not. Sony has basically contracted Samsung to do an exclusive for them much like how Sony Semicon is making exclusives for Huawei and others.
When it comes to TV it's LG that has the absolute best OLED panel on the market and they share it with Sony A series. Image between the two is 98% the same and they both emit so much heat like a power plant but Sony does have a lot more inside it's TV than LG. First and foremost image upscaling that's second to none.
Tann Hauser, 04 Jun 2020There you go, all in constructivly... {Clap, clap, clap} As opposed to anything you've ever posted on this site your whole time here lol?
Exyvia, 04 Jun 2020@Shanti
OLED Advantages are not Brightness and colour accuracy, it's basically viewing angles... moreI know the difference of auto vs manual...
And perceived brightness or legibility has been an advantage still.
The rest... just useless retort of specs and and physics.
Smithravi, 04 Jun 2020I'm not twisting anything. You said "Not surpassing most". Doesn't that mean X1 II is poor "co... moreYes...not surpassing them all absolutely means "poor". Especially when I specially said "IT HAS GREAT AUDIO"...... face palm......
Did you know that apparently the great lakes are small because oceans are bigger?
Did you know going 100mph is slow because someone
Anonymous, 04 Jun 2020That makes zero sense at all.
Oled advantage:
"is the more lively color reproduction and bet... more@Shanti
OLED Advantages are not Brightness and colour accuracy, it's basically viewing angles and true blacks. Colour Accuracy can calibrated on both panel types.
Auto brightness is limited to 600, while manual is limited to around 400 - you cant crank it up unless you shine light into the ambient sensor.
Yes the screens are taller have more pixels, but the width of the phone is still limited to 1080p or 1440p, while not that much better Sony is 1644p which is 50% sharper than 1080 and 15% than 1440p.
Smithravi, 04 Jun 2020Don't live in dreams man. I myself have been using my Z5 for over 4 years. I'm pretty sure peo... moreBwahahahaha!!! People are more likely or in greater numbers to be using 7 year old xperia over 3 year old s8??????
That's just pure bias and completely bogus. Whether it's s8, pixel, iphone, or any relevant flagship from that time frame.
You don't even see claims that extreme in iphone pages geez. Facepalm...
That's also extremely bogus even if that claim was switched around. No matter how you alter it that is ridiculous and delusional.
People are more likely to use 7 year old iPhone compared to 3 year old xperia? As if. Not as long as it was just as easy to get that 3 year old sony vs any other device. Which actually it's usually not....
So actually against Sony devices it sorta holds up... wow. Because they are not as readily available. So people are more likely to have an older competing device over a 3 year old Sony one.
So actually that one scenario is not bogus. Yikes lol.
But any other like people more likely to still be using a 7 year old Google phone than the almost 3 year old LG V30. Or 7 year old xperia over 3 year old pixel or iPhone. Completely delusional claim.
Not to mention the much more severe issues Sony had more often back then. Like horrible motherboard failure rates, practically self cracking displays, constantly losing touch on all our most of the display from the smallest/slightest of cracks, and atrocious customer service. On top of poor camera performance back then even with their supposedly advanced "20mp" then. At least back then they had better availability even with carriers than they do now. Though they had some false naming schemes too. Like the Verizon z3v actually being a rebranded z2. Which was very deceptive because the z3 had a number of needed improvements over the z2. More substantial than z1 to z2.
Reason for lower sales, besides their lackluster drive and effort to create a devices up to their potential, is poor advertisement and availability.
Xperia 1 II is 1,5 cm taller then my LG V30. Very long display but 3 mm more narrow then the V30 screen. Pathetic.
Anonymous, 04 Jun 2020Nope reason for low sales = overpriced, underspecced. Sorry but that is the simplest summary. ... moreAbout your analogy: You know that Sony is using the same processor and storage type like Samsung? About the camera, they just took a different approach to stand out. If all manufacturers would do the same there wouldn't be the need for so many of them. Sony took one of the trademarks from their Alpha cameras to the phone, the fast AF which no other phone can right now. For that to work they had to minimize the sensor readout time, with more MP it wouldn't be possible. And I'd rather have a real advantage that I can actually use like this over very useless 108MP (only useful for heavy cropping while editing or zooming in) or 8K vidoes that are heavily compressed and for which right now there isn't really a screen available to watch it on. Same goes for the display, the Snapdragon is too slow for 4K with more then 60Hz, so they had to choose to do the same like all the others or keep the 4K resolution.
Anonymous, 04 Jun 2020Imho as a "non pro" (people who'd really need a high res screen for productivity and content c... moreYou do realize 1080p + pretty much is 2K right?
Quad HD aka QHD is 2.5K right?
Just because you don't personally use or care about 2.5K, the few 3K ones, or Sony's unique 4K displays does make them useless to most. Especially 2.5K. Or even 1080p according to you.
That's just as bad as the rest of people always trying to hold back technology.
Like ram. At one point you supposedly didn't need more than 512mb or 1GB. Or go back to pc years before that.... face palm...
Or claim how useless and ridiculous selfie cameras are.
Or claim how the removal of the 3.5mm port is long overdue and somehow great news for all. Just because they don't use it, and they don't comprehend that there was zero benefit to its removal. Nothing gained in performance, price, or fashion.
The only thing it brought was negative impacts on those who use it. And supposedly 1 to 3% more battery for a few.....woooooooowwwwwwww.......................................
Those negative impacts could even at times effect those nay sayers in certain situations. Even though they don't believe or realize that.
And mobile vr doesn't have to match a full get up to be really good. Especially with devices like s10 plus and gear vr, good headset with any s855-s865 device, and also with gaming phones for even more longevity.
So no. I like my better resolution screen and getting my money's worth thank you.
And you clearly don't understand technology nor it's advancements. Or seem capable seeing beyond your own simple needs. Which with the way you are speaking why are you even commenting on high end tech? Go back to entry level devices or affordable midrange devices. Or recycled flagships. Or affordable flagship killers.
Tann Hauser, 04 Jun 2020Ok, some links please? Yes by all means show links proving otherwise lmfao.
Like usual... I'll be endlessly waiting.
Some give the impression of louder audio because of the direction of the audio, but nothing beyond that so far.
Shanti Dope, 04 Jun 2020Well of course if the panel is well-conserved, then burn ins can be prevented from happening.
... moreThat makes zero sense at all.
Oled advantage:
"is the more lively color reproduction and better brightness"
"setting it on the lowest brightness simply defeats that purpose"
"So Sony limited the brightness to around 600 nits to prevent this issue from happening"....
How does setting a lower maximum brightness level than normal for flagship device of a certain price bracket from 2020 solve the issue of people putting the brightness down to low???? Because keeping the brightness low often is defeating the purpose of the screen apparently... which doesn't mean they never turn it up. They might keep it lower until needed for certain content or just be energy conscious.
If you meant that supposedly solved the exaggerated burn in issues then you completely messed up your wording and connections.
Either way is wrong though. One way makes no sense and the other is a poor excuse. If anything they probably did it for battery life. Or to save face for battery life. Because people might have cranked it up and spoke poorly of endurance.
And sorry, but especially in the mobile industry, Samsung has been extremely prominent in oled development. Sony has barely been using them that long in their devices. Just like people give way to much credit to apple over their Samsung oled panels.
Smithravi, 04 Jun 2020Don't live in dreams man. I myself have been using my Z5 for over 4 years. I'm pretty sure peo... moreNope reason for low sales = overpriced, underspecced. Sorry but that is the simplest summary. Look at their say Xperia 10 upper mid range for example. Probably still with a lower batt capacity in its class and yet not exactly competitively priced.
Numbers DOES MATTER when you expect people to pay good money for something.
Although Sony has good product designs and relatively on par software side optimizations, it's hard to win over users who keeps seeing lower capacity batteries (example) on a whopping flagship maximum ceiling priced models. And also the widely ho hummed reviewed onboard cameras (I personally don't care about phone cams but not the rest of the market?), even if it's so-called marked with the Sony imaging brand cachet.
Another simple analogy; if Sony seems to want to overcut (instead of undercut) Samsung's S and Note series only at giving the "illusion" of premiumness via merely expensive RRPs, they should at least really try to match the winning aspects ; processing power, storage speed/type, camera, display quality etc.
Shanti Dope, 04 Jun 2020It's true though. There are things that people say bad about this phone from the things they d... moreI know it's true that there are people saying bad things, and things out of ignorance. I said that.
Like I had to explain to someone in my last reply... learn to read.
That person replied claiming I said the audio quality was poor from X1ii. When I in fact made sure to completely explain that it indeed has great audio, and exactly what I meant when I said the YouTube results were opposite of what they were claiming.
In my response to the user talking about haters I specifically explained that yes there is obviously haters here. Just like any pages will always have some fools or nay sayers. However it's nothing way out of the norm. Especially considering the amount of replies on this thread proportionately.
But just as it is with any sony page the majority of the hating, pushing towards very negative directions, and over superiority issues come from the Sony fans.
Like Knights riding in to protect the page of their all superior glorious God sony. It's often worse than Apple pages.
And the reason the comments have gone to almost 700 is not just because the above reasons all drive many comments on these sony pages up....Which such things are not limited to just sony pages.....
It's also because this is the first Sony device to really catch up in a good while. And have some good features or advantages to show. More than just a 4K screen. Some of that is just because of them finally upping their effort more in the past couple years, some because of missing staples being reborn, some of it because of stale upgades across all devices.
So because of that lots of the big Sony Knights are on a high or in overdrive.
And the worst part is that even though Sony is nowhere near the level of godliness you all praise them to be... they have the technology, money, factories, brand recognition, and so forth to easily be closer to a more realistic representation of that leadership that you all fanaticize them to have. And directly battle Samsung... or what Samsung used to be like..... for top technology. They just have terrible ceos. Also other levels of management and employees no doubt.
The company is just being held back with poor leadership and policies. At least for the mobile division.
And even ignoring all that they still could have been doing way better in sales while doing just as questionable a job. The only thing they needed to change was their advertising and availability to have been doing much better.
That alone would've consistently had them getting dramatically better sales for years now. Instead they've just been scraping along only held up by the potential they do have. And it's been that way for a long while sadly.
I don't expect people here to understand logic on any of these levels. Even though most of it is pretty obvious.
Anonymous, 03 Jun 2020Drop a quote where I said it was poor... I specifically said it was great. Stop twisting thin... moreI'm not twisting anything. You said "Not surpassing most". Doesn't that mean X1 II is poor "comparatively"??? All I said was that is wrong. You also said youtube videos proving otherwise. For which I asked you to drop the links. I'm not the one twisting the words. It is YOU.
[deleted post]Don't live in dreams man. I myself have been using my Z5 for over 4 years. I'm pretty sure people using z series (7 years ago) today will be more than people using S8 (3 years ago). Because people who bought sony are satisfied for longer periods than people who bought other smart brands. Reason for low sales is because of illeterate smartphone users who only sees number.
Imho as a "non pro" (people who'd really need a high res screen for productivity and content creation), 2K or 4K screens on anything smaller than a "main" (computer PC/Mac monitors, smart TVs) screen you use for actual visual scrutiny are just pointless for the simplest of reason(s); practicality vs. use case. Best middle ground to go for would be FHD+ paired with >60Hz higher REFRESH RATES instead.
I carry a phone for it to be "mobile" as long as as a comfortable battery life threshold allows.
Just a couple of quarters before we saw some but quite vocal bunch gsmarena commentators here espousing VR as the killer feature that necessitates a high res screen but as I've kept responding the same; sorry it's not ever gonna be mainstream for the obvious fact that a PHONE is supposed to be used as a phone. Not holstered to your face some hours in a day where it'll defeat the core purpose. Want VR? Get the exact proper system not a phone.
In this case, as much as I like and hope that Sony will stick with the product design for as long as they could, if the upcoming batt life tests proves that 1 II can't deliver then it's a no go.
I think the market all over are pretty tired of 1k+ phones with shitty battery life.
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