The much awaited Samsung Galaxy S II has finally got a launch date in India. According to Samsung India, the phone will be on sale starting June 9. However, thanks to a special deal with Vodafone India, their customers will be able to get their hands on the Galaxy S II from June 3.
Now for the big question and that is what will be the cost of this monster of a device. The Galaxy S II will set you back by Rs. 32,890 (US$723), which shouldn't come as a big surprise considering the spec sheet of this phone.
Vodafone customers will be able to pre-book the device from tomorrow by paying Rs. 1,000.
You can read our full review of the Galaxy S II here.The booking is started in Vodafone India at Vodafone Stores,, Please let me knwo which Location are u from,, Sandeep
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