David , 26 Aug 2008DUH...
Well I think you should study more on electronic engineering!
Both phone is ru... moreOh so now the iphone and the omnia are running on different platforms and OS. The other Samsung fan said that all the iphone's technology is made by Samsung, and now you're saying something else. No wonder you guys are messed up, lol. And you tell me to take engineering classes, hahahaha. Maybe you should. Well I'm sure the omnia's UI is not that bad, but it's still not as great as the iphone. And that's a fact. Again, you can brag all day about the omnia's extra features, but so what? You end up not using those extra features anyways. Nobody uses that front camera every day. Nobody sends MMS and pay extra every day. Nobody sends files via BT every day. But people listen to their ipod, make phone calls, and browse the web every day, and that is where the iphone is the best, on features that really counts. So you can keep those extra features to yourself, I don't care =)
As an proudly Onmia owner, I do not find Omina UI bad at all. Omina phone can do more then you Iphone. That the fact!
I guess u never experience the Omnia before.
Have anyone got a omnia thru metrocellinc.com Is it a legible website to get the stuff.
I had searched omnia on google & found a website who sell very cheap $400 only, i'm curious to knw from anyone if that is true or fraud?? website: metrocellinc.com, i emailed them and they said its a bonanza sale...
After waiting months for this phone and now subject to the diabolical "service" of UK Voda and O2 I have now decided not to buy this phone. I have found a better device. This is a bit slow on sms, only has one ringtone, comes in an original attractive case (each one is unique), has best ever GPS with world coverage, costs only £2-3 per month. The camera is a bolt on but gets some amazing aerial shots. Downloads can be a bit messy but hey carrier pigeons have a whole lot more to recommend them than shabby service from UK carriers!
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970Dalia Yousef:
I was told that the Omnia won't be availble in Egypt.
A salesman in Samsung told me the reason it wont be available is that it has GPS.. I'm not convinced, but that is what I've been told!.
I think that even if it's going to be available, it would be ridiculously expensive.
I would recommend you buy it from abroad, UAE or Saudi Arabia for example.
I hope I have been helpful.
very good :)
Well I think you should study more on electronic engineering!
Both phone is running on a different platform and OS. I guess you should a comparison between the 2 phones. Don't only just know how to said with no brain.
As an proudly Onmia owner, I do not find Omina UI bad at all. Omina phone can do more then you Iphone. That the fact!
I guess u never experience the Omnia before.
Hi all,
Just got my Omnia, must say it looks and feel good, however I would like to know how can I go about changing the ring tones to the MP3 songs that I have copied to the memory card. Is there any websites that I can go to to see the tips and tricks for this phone. Many thanks
Hey, Im sure going to buy this phone, I'm having few problems with my SEP1. I just want to know when is Omnia releasing in Hong Kong officialy.
The import versions are there but I dont trust them. Cheers
David, 26 Aug 2008For the Iphone user if you don't like Omnia be it. Why need to compare? You think you Iphone i... moreLike I care where Apple gets their processors. Hello, I'm a buyer, if I am happy with the product, then I'm sold. Samsung should be ashamed that Apple uses their processors more effectively than they do w/ their phones. Makes you wonder. Is Samsung ripping their phone buyers off? I mean, how come Apple can make Samsung processors work so well with the iphone's UI? How come omnia cannot replicate the ease and fluidity of the iphone's multi-touch which you claim came from Samsung.
For the Iphone user if you don't like Omnia be it. Why need to compare? You think you Iphone is best, mind you... you are wrong. It still need Samsung support! Indirectly your Iphone still use Samsung products. http://www.engadget.com/2007/07/01/iphone-processor-found-620mhz-arm/ and http://www.engadget.com/2008/07/02/apple-eats-first-at-samsungs-nand-table-rest-of-industry-starv/
meesh, yes you can
nick, 26 Aug 2008have you noticed poor people spend all their money on top cars where as people who are totally... moreWhat I notice is that people who knows cars would always prefer a BMW over a Kia =) A samsung omnia fan preferred the Kia. What does that tell you? LOL.
And what did you say? "poor people spend all their money on top cars where as people who are totally loaded dont buy really expensive cars?" - Some poor people have good tastes, as for those rich people who settle for average cars, well they probably don't care about what car they drive, but MOST rich people drive expensive cars.
Buying a BMW is not just about being impressive. It's about enjoying the experience of driving and the comfort it brings. You obviously have not driven one =)
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970I think the car thing is a metaphor and a valid point. More features does not necessarily mean better. The iPhone is just so much fun to use. It's a wonderful web browser and iPod at the same time. The omnia seems to copy the iPhone and probably thinking that it would kills the iPhone if they put a lot of extra features in it. But I don't think it's as east to use as the iPhone.
Good point ya dalia I think it may not come Egypt cause of its GPS
and even if it came its price will be so high so better purchase it from outside...
There are much more rich people driving expensive cars than rich people driving normal cars. You are not seeing the majority.
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970have you noticed poor people spend all their money on top cars where as people who are totally loaded dont buy really expensive cars?
needing to buy a german car to impress is ludicrous and immature. mercedes are officially the most unreliable cars according to some AA breakdown survey
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970Well, I have to say your little fishing expeditions are catching lots of little fishies...
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970with the finger friendly aspect.... i tried it out in the shop yesterday day and found it a bit cumsy so it could be that i either needed more practice or that yes it does need the stilus.
The guy in the shop who had bigger fingers than mine seemed ok with it so it could just be that you need to play with it and get used to it
tim, 25 Aug 2008Guess you are the one that dont really understand what's going on...
did you read on some of ... more"i have told you that Omnia doesnt hang easily or lag. You never try it so you dont"
Look at omnia demos in YouTube and see how unresponsive it is and how many times it lags. It's not as responsive and smooth as the iphone UI. How many times do I have to tell you that?
"if iphone do not intend to use our iphones
as an external hard drive then why is the 8G and 16G for?"
That 16gb memory for our iphone is for music, pictures, videos & applications that we can install from itunes. And guess what? The iphone performance does not suffer even after using up its memory. Nokia, LG and Samsung shows more lag in performance the more you use up memory.
"Do you always bring your camera everywhere? at time when theres will be occasion yet
you never bring your camera"
Yes, I bring my Canon camera w/ me at all times. That's why I bought it. I am not completely happy with the results of pictures taken from camera phones (I used to have the N95, also the Viewty before the N95), and I still end up using my Canon. But honestly, the iphone does take good pictures in case I need to take one right now.
"Do you really encounter alot of virus for mobile?"
Why would I risk it? I have valuable information in my iphone which includes contact information of all my friends, passwords and account information. I will not risk it just so I can BT a picture or a song to you when I can easily and safely email that file. Who's thinking like a kid now?
"You keep insisting iphone the best because of UI but i really dont understand why cant you see the point that if we compare in term of spec Omnia is really better?"
The omnia only has more extra features, but it does not make it a better phone. Let's be honest here. Those extra features don't really give excellent results. MMS sometimes does not work smoothly. Sometimes the receiver could not open the file due to incompatibility of carriers and phone brands. Same with BT. As for the camera, come on, it's only half as good compared to real digital cameras. The only valid advantage that's useful in every day cellphone use that the omnia has, and the iphone does not (not even a work around), is copying and pasting. That's it.
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