Finally, we managed to put the Samsung Galaxy S III new Exynos 4 Quad chipset through its paces and see how it compares to its market rivals. With four 32nm Cortex-A9 cores clocked at 1.4GHz, a new and improved Mali-400MP GPU and 1GB of RAM the S III SoC looks quite well on paper and we were glad to find out that real-life performance doesn't disappoint.
Higher is better
On Quadrant, the Galaxy S III got the highest score we have seen so far - 5642 points. The HTC One X did come close as its quad-core CPU was able to match the performance of the S III processor, but the Mali-400MP GPU gave the Samsung smartphone the victory here.
On SunSpider, the CPU-stressing JavaScript benchmark, the Galaxy S III's four 32nm 1.4GHz Cortex-A9 cores posted super fast time, once again leaving all of its competitors way behind. We suspect Samsung has also done some fine tuning to its new smartphone's JavaScript engine, which helped it do so well here.
Lower is better
The Samsung Galaxy S III performed quite spectacularly on the the BrowserMark HTML5 test. With a final result of 169811 points, it really blew competitors out of the water.
Higher is better
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