I don't think it is OK if they give you besides the usb data cable a CD with a driver that doesn't work.This phone should have had infrared or bluetooth.
cannot use the usb data cable due to the driver that i need for this, couldn't find any compatible to it. The rest is ok
yes, there will not be anything to obstruct the wallpaper, but doing this, you won't know what is the hour. too bad you can't keep only the hour...
if u dnt want those displays that obstact the wall paper,go to phone settings,then display,then wall paper,scroll down to text postion select off.and there u go clear wall paper for u
i had this phone for about 6 months before I traded it in for a samsung x660. It's a nice phone and very solid in terms of functions, it just lacked the external display which was inconvenient for me.
Anyway this phone is actually featured in the new movie 'Superman Returns'!!! Ha ha it's in the scene where Superman rescues katie or kitty that woman who is with Lex Luther. You see a little kid whip out a samsung x640 to take pics of superman!!
There were other scenes in the movie that involved other samsung phones too. But go the x640! Ha ha obviously its camera quality is good enough to take shots of Superman, so be proud you x640 owners! ;)
i haf this phone and i thought ooooo nice phone but i was out one day and it fell and the the clip to keep the battery in had broken!!
before this phone i had a nokia i had dropped it loads and lived for 2 years!!!
it needs a stronger lock at the back.
You may try the Mobile Phone Mangement Tool type MA-8230P (www.mobileaction.com). This contains software and an USB cable to connect to the phone (at the same connector as the power adaptor). Uploading ringtones and downloading pictures is now possible.
You can't locate any usb in the phone. When you connect it to thr PC with the usb data cable, the files in your phone should appear on a list, using a program for this purpose.
ei.. the specification say that it has USB.. apparently, i cnt locate it on the fone.. i don't even have the USB connector... the reason why i still cannot transfer pics... help....
yey does ne1 no if u can upload songs on dis fone thanx
ha ha ha... the ultimate mobile phone! I still can't transfer my pictures on the PC and i'm very dissatified.
its the ultimate mobile phone....its the phone for which i was looking for from a long time as it's having all the features with good quality ....especially the digital camera...the clarity of the camera is awesome....and the performance is also outstanding ...
ctually i have always wanted to bid one on eby australia but i seem to get fake ones
The phone is awsome specially the resolution of the camera.
Bought this the other day...a good phone so far...however is it actually possible to lock the short messages inbox as well as the pictures, multimedia etc? And also is it possible to turn off that annoying ring when you delete/send something...please help!
well, I've tried all coms 1,2,3 and 4 (I have the pim and file manager program), but, again, it didn't work out:( anyway, thank you for advising me, at least someone had a reaction to my question.
thanks a lot, i'll try and see if it works
the post below is for the PIM AND FILE MANAGER wgich acan be instaled from the cd that came with the data cable... good luck.
i will try to make some video tutorials for diferent phones and post them on my website soon...
select the comX from settings, where comX it may be com3, com4 or other (i had com3) which you can discover in your device manager at ports (it's the emulated serial port which the usb cable driver installs)
i guarantee that it works...
my cable is for x640 and all I can do with it is to charge my phone using the pc. I've tried various programs for usb but it didn't work. I'm very disapointed.
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