Basically, the gx20 was released in europe exclusively for the vodaphone company....the gx22 is basically the same phone but released for international sale
yo im thinkin of buyin a gx20 but da fing is i want it on 02 is it possible that it can be unlocked on all networks??
how much does it cost???
it has a 262k screen only for viewing JPEG files!! you idots get your self better informt!! that's the only difrence!
hi... izzit possible to transfer java games into the phone without using GPRS? do inform me if there is a way... thks!!
Does it have a zoom?
May I know the difference of Sharp GX 22 and Sharp GX 20 ? Coz most of the ple said they are the same, however, when I did the comparsion, the size is abit different.
ok for all people out there. SHARP GX20 and SHARP GX22 are exactly the same, the difference is that the gx20 is locked to vodafone and the gx22 is unlocked, so all networks can be used on it. OK. NOw can some one help me, i need to know if theres a way that when theres a call coming i can just open the phone to answer the call insted of opening it and pressing answer or select? is there is there???????
does sharp have an offical website for there prouducts?
where can i get this phone? how much this is phone? about screen.. 256k or 65k?
This phone has the best image qulity on the market!!! its amazing!!!!! kinda big though but alot better then (TO) small asain phones/ 9/10
This is one of the phone I want to buy because of the brilliant display, but the size of the phone really turn me off. Wish it could be a little smaller.
Very disappointing effort from sharp. Time they moved forward in a radical way instead of simply tweeking existing models.
I'm almost certainly switching to panasonic, their X70 seems to be exceptional.
Why have a burger when there is steak in the fridge???? Panasonic phones make sharps'look like kids toys..
I've got gx20 for 2 weeks and I am very happy, but I haven't found any wap sites, where I could download free sharp java games.Nokia and siemens java are not working on gx20. Could you give some addresses where is posible to download free java...
The GX 22 needs to have a better organizer with atached alarms, voice dialling options, and an active flip would be very useful.
Otherwise the phone is absolutely great.
how much it costs in Deutchland?
the infrared on the phone doesn't work good...
sharps picture (both on screen and sent) quality has always been better than nokias. i dont see the point of 256k lcd when the bottom line is the camera quality is not good enough to print photos. who cares how good it looks on screen. when sharp gets mmc support and i can print a half decent picture, i'll buy one. they will be the first to do it though, not nokia or s.e. etc.
Display and camera quality are superb! Anyway should have an expansion memory capability (etc. MMS), no external antenna would be better and finally I hate flip phones!
why bring this out after i buy the gx20 new only 2 months ago ,sombodies trying to piss me off great phone tho dont get sucked into buying nokia cam phones they suck i no i sell them for a living
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