It is available in Hong Kong.
Is this phone available in china?
how much % of photos taken with the tm200 come out well?
I see you alot of you guys already have this camera, so why don't you show the photos that are taken by this camera?
Create a homepage with photos, or add the photos to your existing homepage, and give us the link to the homepage.
That would be much better rather than empty critisism.
what percent of photos you take come out well, as in not blurred? my gx30- about 50% came out well.
Great phone. Despite that it is lacking some features this phone is perfect as a camera.I want to ask all people who complains about MP3 ,dvd etc... fetures that they think should be in the cellular phone: Do you really think that high quality digital camera is not enough for a cell, phone????
We can't get too further than that, otherwise all you young generation will do is play with your phones.
Now , I've heard from qualified sourse, that 2megapixel sharp phone is coming to T-Mobile USA within next month. So I would suggest that you guys wait a little before buying the european sharp phone.
anyone looking to sell their sharp tm200
The shuttertime is abit slow, but not too slow. The pictures come out quite nice, mostly in 1mp mode or large mode. When you use 2mp mode, it's a bit slow, and it is a bit noise on the picture. But all in all, I'm very satisfied with the camera. Pictures taken with the mobile:
nice, thanks. how is the shutter speed? does it produce blurry pics ofen?
The screen is slightly better than the gx32. One important thing is that if your country does not have t-mobile, u can't use the features mms and wap. I have this confirmed by t-mobile. This is a software restriction. I live in norway, so I can't use them features since we don't have T-mobile here in norway. Other than that, the phone is great. The camera with autofocus is superb.
i know you cant play dvd movies, there is a limit of 300kb for vid.
anyone have any info on the screen quality compared to the gx30, as asked a couple of posts down?
can you play dvd movies like you can on the 902 can somebody email me the answer if you knew it thanks thanki tode lo bobba ubba
can someone compare the screen to the gx30? is it any better.
also, on screen, is the camera any better than the gx30? (faster shutter speed etc)
can you create folders for photos?
Can some one please tell me how to remove the Big antenna to replace with a smaller one?
And is it the same size(the hole to fit the antenna in) the same with those GX30's?
and the slideshow at lower resolutions is fine yeah?
its slideshow feature in this phone. I have it myself, so I know.
From another forum I've read this post
"Hi all!
I have the TM200 from T-Mobile...
It's really cool, but some things are bad:
- no MP3 ringtones
- no full bluetooth object exchange... only with the sharp PC software, but this isn't yet available for the TM200 at the moment...
- no videos over 300kb can be played"
Is this true? Don't get me wrong, I like this phone a lot, but these restrictions stopped me from getting this phone. Also, I live in Canada. A store sells this unlocked for $770CAD=$550US. Since there is no T-mobile in Canada, probably they un-locked it. Would there be any problems? Heard rumours before about unlocking TM-100 with lots of problems. Please verify this for me, thank you.
is it instant pic taking in normal light?
if there is a shutter setting "shutter priority" and "aperture priority" on your unit, setting it to "aperture priority" when at night will definitely make the picture taking better during night time, only thing is that you have to hold the phone very still in order to take a clear fuzz free picture. If it doesn't have shutter/aperture priority, set the shutter speed to "slowest" so it will keep the aperture open longer and that way it will give more time for light to enter the CCD and get a brighter pic during night. practice and you will know how to set it depending how dark/light is is.
thats cool. how is the shutter speed, especially in low light? does the size of the pic affect how fast it snaps the picture? thakns for answering guys it means a LOT
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