how bout the music??
is the loading very slow?
which one do you think the best ph now??
can anyone help me?
coz i want to buy the new one..
thank you.. ^^
camera shots comparison to Nokia 6220 classic!!!
Why SE loses?
This phone will be released by the end of this month, maybe May 21. I believe it will be a killer for all flat phones with the 3G and 5MP camera.
In my opinion, $500 would be a reasonable price
According to a fella at vodafone it should be released on June 16th. Hope that info helps.
Aashay Shah
It has neither of has photo flash it is the new generation of flashes
i hope that this unit would be available in the philippines.
Does this phone have a xenon flash or a led flash
I don't know where you get your info Steve, but there is no final hardware yet that will go to retail. Trust me, there will still be more hardware iterations of this phone before the retail launch. As for the screen size, it had to be made smaller to make room for the touch buttons.
Yes, you can put a SD card, put it goes under the back battery cover, but yes, you can place a memory card into this phone.
The mobile is very ELEGANT. However, there is a fatal mistake by leaving the USB Input or whatever it is at the side of the phone OPEN without a cover. For me; it affected the whole look of the BEAUTIFULLY ENGINEERED handset..!!
the specs look awesome....vid qlty is gd.
but screen too small...and no wifi...
I`m still deciding to buy it but i want to know if i can fix an external memory card or not please i want any body answer me now
the phone that took the photos were just prototypes.
why does all of you judge the pic quality without even knowing that its not yet being released yet.
The screen is like any other screen. Sure, there's a noticeable difference between 2.4" and 2.0", but the resolution is still the same. One picture will appear smoother than the other, that's all.
It's time to leave QVGA behind us and move on to VGA screens.
I own a SH905i by SHARP with a 3.0" WVGA screen.
The sharpness and detail will blow your mind. I simply can't go back to a QVGA screen, it would bother me too much.
A screen is a screen at the end of the day, however, for viewing pictures it is of such importance.
So I agree - size should be the bigger the better - resolution matters a hell of a lot more though.
I'm neither a Nokia nor a SE fan, so I can say I'm fairly unbiased to the two.
When I reviewed the N82 pictures I was really impressed with the macro performance. I must say however that regular AF infinity shots are showing just as many compression and RGB artefacts as the C902.
Nokia's algorithm is anything but perfect, difference to SE is the higher contrast and saturation - which is completely software related.
Both CMOS modules leave a very similar footprint in my opinion.
SE & Nokia both could put in higher density and better quality sensor's, but that would drive the price through the roof! And the lenses used by both are nothing to uhm-and-ah about.
After all, Carl Zeiss, Schneider-Kreuznach and Co. are just Marketing techniques to give the brand better credibility and set high expectations for the end-user.
People will think their brand out-performs others merely due to its marketing.
I will always gladly look back at the 903SH by SHARP with actual REAL lenses (5 of them). Those were true optics. I have one here with me, if you want test-shots I can provide some!
Should read "hopelessly incompetent" rather than "hopefully".
"the photos are good, i don't see any bad quality with the photos and one important thing, the phone is under development and the photos taken are probably from older prototype, so u can't really go by that, when you have the fully developed product and if u see bad quality then comment."
I have the fully developed product that will go to retail. Have you read anything I have said? Sony Ericsson have no plans to alter any of the components in the C902's we have here. The only thing that might change is a newer firmware version.
Firmware updates won't fix the camera issues as the sensor is the problem. Hardware inadaquecies cannot be fixed by software.
Putting aside the camera problems, the screen is hopefully incompetent due to it's size.
the photos are good, i don't see any bad quality with the photos and one important thing, the phone is under development and the photos taken are probably from older prototype, so u can't really go by that, when you have the fully developed product and if u see bad quality then comment.
I have to agree with Steve, if you guys actually look at the preview photos of the C902 posted by GSMarena, you can see that the quality is really poor. For a 500 USD camera phone you'd expect better quality picture. Really, do a comparison between the C902 and the N82 pictures, you can see the quality difference.
I agree that the sensor sux. There is too much noise and the purple fringing is very noticeable. Plus I really hate the colour reproduction on the camera. It doesn't look natural to the eyes.
I was very excited when this phone was announced, it has a lot going for it, but the quality of the photo (the most important aspect) is the part that is disappointing me the most. What's the point of owning a camera phone when it is not performing well on a task that it is built upon?
"thats your opinion steve. so pls don't try to speak for everyon here.. is all base on taste and more defenetly ppl won't agree with you even if your a high tech geek. If you don't like it than dang built one yourself.. but stop bithcing bout it.."
Listen, people are saying how good they think it will be, I am telling people how good it ACTUALLY is. If you don't like what I have to say then it's too bad, but I have two of them on my desk right now and I am fully able to give an unbiased view of this handset.
People can choose to disagree with me if they so wish, but all I have to do is ask them if they have used one, their answer will of course be an emphatic "no" so their opinion is invalid.
The quality of the photos and camera sensor has nothing to do with taste. It's about the quality of the product, which in this case, isn't that good. It's better than mid-range phones, but that's not saying much.
To give you some kind of benchmark to judge the camera, the 3.2mp camera module in the Nokia 6500 slide takes vastly superior photos to the C902.
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