how about we keep our comments short and sweet ay? i don't wanna read someones thesis when i come in here. im sure everyone feels the same.
Also, i would like to add that through experimentation of my phone, when using the camera, if I only use it only to shoot and not leaving it while doing nothing, the battery is not bad. I still have 90+% after several (around 10p pics) and making four calls.
To Humi:
Only heard one friend said s700 response is a little slower. If money is not an issue and don't mind the thickness, by all means go for the s700. I would definitely go for s700 because:
1)more possibilities with bigger memory
2)262k screen
3)true 1.3 megapixel phone with shutter
4)great looks
However if you already have a good digital camera, then the p910 does more for you with 1g memory. For me even if i have the money and interesting in getting a s700, would wait 'till other phones come out first(at least 'till Chrismas or new year to see what other phones have to offer). More competition= price goes down. Really depends on what you want. A good camera on the phone or 1g memory or just size and looks. I really liked the s700 but since I do not plan on spending so much therefore I got the k700i. Who knows, maybe later if price of s700 goes down, I may trade in or something. Hope this helps.
money is not a problem, shooould i buy k700 or S700?
To Dan and Stevie:
1) Yes, this phone is worth buying for its price. At first I really wanted Sharp phone because of the 262k screen, but after realizing so many limitations, those phones are pretty much useless. Even the "costly" GX32 have difficulty getting mp3 ringtones(the only that could). That really pissed me off. I've thought about the E398, but because:
1) rumour that Motorolas are not reliable(told by seller)
2) camera and screen not that good
3) figured Sony would put their expertise from digital camera, who knows what Motorola has.
The k700i even have camera modes for black and white, old school style photo and of course sticker photos.
As to Stevie:
1) I don't know about other newer or more expensive phones, but using a camera constantly leading to short battery life is understandable and unavoidable. I mean my friend's Samsung phone has the same problem. Used the headset for mp3, radio and call last night. Simply amazing. As for storage, to me it's enough. Just don't expect 100 or more Mp3's as if from your computer. Also the software that came with the phone requires your computer to be using Windows xp, 2000 or above. Windows98 would not work. Not really a concern, but thought you should know.
In conclusion, I knew about other phones wih greater storage but the better quality in everything makes up for it, not to mention the looks of the phone. Bottom line is: know what you need. If you plan on getting the ultimate with great memory and price is no issue, than wait 'till chrismas since mitsubishi, NEC and Sharp will be introducing crazy phones. Always remember, the look of the phone has to be decent, phone has to be reliable and that you actullay like the phone. I mean you look at the phone everyday, no point in buying an ugly phone to the point that you want to get another one.
After using the k700i for a couple of days, I've reached to some conclusions. The battery life for normal use (making calls, mp3 listening and radio is fine). Once you use the camera or games too much then the battery dies very quickly. I can't really compare to other phones since my last phone was Sony Ericsson T310. A huge improvement regards to everything when compared to phones of the T310 time era. Sound couldn't get any clearer for both mp3 and Radio. The radio sounds better on my phone than in my car. Just by comparing midi form my old phone to the ones in my k700i, I should have gotten this phone a long time ago. The 41mb limit was a concern to me before I buy the phone. But I do not plan to watch movies on a phone with small screen. I mean if I wanted to do that I would have to go for phones such as SE S700, Motorola MPx220 or above. With that price difference I could get a good portable dvd player with screen. Or if I 'm lucky I could get a slightly used laptop. No offense to people willing to spend more, just my thought. The major reason which lead me to buy this phone is that, it has a decent camera, good screen and a very good price. I was considering Motorola but it doesn't have infrared and I really hate it's monochrome display. The amazing quality of sound was what shocked me the most. Anyways, since there is a price drop for the phone, it's even better value for the money. Cheers
Nok 7610 1.3 mega camera K700i is not
Nok 7610 mono one side earpiece in the package K700i stero
Nok 7610 symbian OS K700 is not
if you dun mind the quality of the mp3 than go for N7610
i would perfer K700 than mot E398. MOt e398 can play but cant record video than wat the point. But Mot had solid Ring tone , one of the best .
k700i only have limited msg tone but it is a great fone at thia price range
Is sony Ericsson K700i better or Motorola E398. Please help me choose between any two of these, I would really appreaciate it. My e-mail address is
There are 2 mode for video length ... either limited or unlimited ... 15 sec for limeted while over 60 min for unlimited until ur 41 MB memory run off.
To turn off the camera sound, just need to hold the # key for a second to change it to silent mode ... then the camera sound off ...
any idea there is calculator in it?
hi ur know how to turn off the camera sound ?
hey answer me this, is this phone worth buying?
could anyone pls tell me how long the video recording time is. I really want to get this phone.
the newest firmware is called R2L...and not R2AA.....and its on the sonyericsson site
anyways..... does anyone haf the newest R2AA firmware????
For u ppl who really think that the software update of the k7ooi increases the battery..actually it the old software, the battery icon vanishes quickly, while in the new software(R2L), the battery icon vanishes in a slower both cases, the battery PHYSICALLY is the same...
For the optimum performance of your battery, u should charge it for at least 8 hours the same day u buy it...and then u should charge, only when battery indicator peeps, for 3-4 hours..
Ok, here's the deal. I've seen this phone around, its an absolute beaut, & its packed wit features. Coupla things I'm concerned about.
1) Is the battery life really shite? I can't be dealin with my phone dying on me when we're arranging an important visit to a pub
2)Is the memory enough to store an album of MP3s plus photos?
3) Is the MP3 quality any good? Is it hassle downloading from cpu to phone?
4) Does this beast come with a headset for listenin 2 MP3s?
Cheers for your help
eheehe... i live in subang area..... gonna buy bt adapter when my sis comes back.....then buy at lowyat!!
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