when will this perfect fone will out at malaysia???l cant wait 2 get my hand on it.can anyone tell me??Thanks.......
any dual speaker on board??
PTT is important. May be not in Romania. But from what I know, this country is an important mobile phone market, in the est of Europe. Asa ca e important. Curand vor baga si la noi...
This is a great web site but can you tell me if this a=has bluetooth.
I want this phone very bad. IN my opinion w800 could be "the perefect phone " if he had 3G , and push to talk (but that it's not very important.).The design is very good but i'm wandering at what price would it be,becase k750 it's allmoust identical but what k750 dont' have it's the 512memory stick .So how much will cost .Here in Romania it's anounced in july.i can't wait (danger-from romania)
Wow! What a wonderful phone! I love it! but i think the price is very expensive?! about 425 to 500 euros!
Nice phone. But why they did not puted in the PTT?! This will be the future soon....
hey you schumcks!
the T610 battery didn't last for one fking day!! everyone with a loaf knows the nokia baterries are the best. jeeesus you fkers. and everyone also knows the T610 was a fking loser. and you rave abt this phone? samsung have 5MP camera phones you imbeciles. dream on you naive fellas.
I think that the phone is great but the guys at SE should get in more colors and should release it real fast as gr8 things should not be hidden for long !!!
i want this phone soooooo bad. i've been selling phones for over two years and this is the pinaccle. first off, can you say Cingular? this phone has to be a cingular phone i mean look at it it's orange. the walkman phone, man... and you know they have 2 gig mmc cards now right? f'n amazing. i can't believe it. turn the phone off and you've got 30 hours of mp3 playback. i love sony ericsson. i mean they even have an option on the phone where only people that you *want* to get through to you can. I LOVE YOU SONY!
yeah.. nokia batery sucks big time.. my N6630 last max 2 day (low usage).. My old T610 can last up to 4 days..
I just have to have this phone....
very good i think !! Infared, bluetooth , 40 poly...2 megapixels!! that all i need !!
tell u one thing, i have been phone hunting for sometimes... minus the 3G, this def'ly a man best fren. my only wish n hope for this model is... the lag, SE, u gotta get rid of 'em lagging'ness out of em powerlful SE device. other than that, forget shuffle, hello "walkman".
this phone is definitely the best i its category, i wud want one thing... people pls stop critisizing the battery life of the SE... it is the best and has always been the best in its category... the T610 had twice the battery life than any series 40 handset(had more functions which when used wud drain a Nokia twice as fast) the K700i as better battery life than any series 60 handset(xcept NgageQD) but it has so much of battery drain with all the functions that Sony had to do better in offering even better with nore features.. which i think they have done with all the new offerings... Battery life is one of teh Top features i use to sell any SE & everyone using it is happy... any challengers???
Anyone know if this phone will be able to play full screen movies?
haha yupz ... sony discman logo.. cuz i saw an article in the newspaper bout this.. they r saying sometin like using a discman concept on the a mobile fone.. which until now i dun really get it.. so wat if is a sony logo on it.. or wat is the discman concept n stuff ahha blur~
don't you guyz notice the WALKMAN logo??
i didn't realize that one day the engineers of SE would actually use the "walkman logo" on their fone... isn't it great or what?!
forget carrying ur sony discman while using ur old clunky mobile phone...
the overall design is acceptable though they should use other colors to to suit peoples different tastes...
now the only problem is how to save moolah to afford this phone! waaaaaaaaaah! =(
to gary.
the fone is not a 3g fone.actually 3g fone have 2 cameras.at both side.3g phone allows u to see,hear and talk to the person u called.
i cant wait anymore!!!!
when this phone will be launched in malaysia.
somebody pls tell me about the price in uk or hong kong.
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