Full HD (800x480) video playback with acceleration-http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=467112
Playstation Trophy Panel-http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=3541369#post3541369
Xperia Wiki Page and useful Links-http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=443946
mstL protests too much me thinks.If the xperia was just another ordinary humdrum symbian toy he wouldn't feel the need to post hundreds of false claims. His obsession proves the xperia has rattled a his bones.Still numero uno.
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970P.S.: Enjoy your extra stylus
Man, you can be pleased so easily :)))))))
and go here to enhance the tremendous xperia x1..http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=470
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970So you bought an expensive junk which had to be repaired.
You had to backup your numbers and other info - which is not very convenient. You had to use another phone while your phone was repaired.
Then after all this inconvinience you happy that they also fixed some bugs?
I prefer to get equipment without any! bugs, it does not break down, and worls flawlessly.
My phone has an excellent reception, I do not miss calls.
You buy junks and I buy (or get :) good products, but the problem is with me right :)
BTW, SE used to make excellent products, without any(!) problems.
SE should hire back those reliable and talented engineers.
ahmed, 31 Mar 2009can anyone please tell me how much is xperia x1 now?
and also where is the x1 made(MADE IN ..... moreSo you do not trust me? :)))))
It is Slow, slow slow! :)))
Made by HTC - Taiwan and China
very well built, or not? :))))
Probably the best video player (best speed/optimiziations) you can get for hanheld devices is CoreCodec CorePlayer, which exists for Symbian as well for Windows Mobile.
can anyone please tell me how much is xperia x1 now?
and also where is the x1 made(MADE IN .....)???
and only who used the phone is it slow or not?
Thx alot:)
i just got one as a present, can someone tell me how to put my own song as ringtone? please help, i'm such a noob >.
Hello all, I just got this phone and I love it., However I didn't get the original charger.
Could somebody please tell mi the Power output (milliamps) on the OEM charger..
1: poor reception
2: lousy camera
3: unreliable OS - WinMo
4: outrages quality control - cracked cases
5: bad battery performance
6: slow performance
7: xxK color :)))
8: limited memory (internal)
1: SE has an excuse - made by HTC
2: SE promised never let HTC make another SE model
3: not made by Sagem (like other SE models)
4: new model is announced already (Idou)
5: most people not surpriced
6: offered free with return/echange policy
7: slow sales (not many people got burned with this model)
8: it used to be very expensive
No wonder SE loses money each quarter.
This is not my ´crap´- it is published
˝X1 is one of the biggest flop of 2008!˝
˝It may have been the most eagerly awaited telephone of the year... and it may well have been the most disappointing telephone of the year, too. Introduced in February with (almost) operational prototypes, the phone has only just become available in stores. Its “revolutionary” Windows Mobile interface was not only slow, but it also wasn’t any more functional than other operating systems from HTC, Samsung or Asus. And since there’s only one Windows Mobile model from Sony Ericsson, developments for the proprietary interface, quite naturally, are scarce. What was supposed to be the ultimate smartphone is at best only passable, and at worst a total failure.˝
Hey, does any one know about a convenient video player for playing mpg,WMV,Divx, Xvid and flash video (flv) smoothly? Or any encoder to convert them to a X1i able format?
few comments abt the phone.
very impressive phone. SE has gone to a very sound move to adding Xpanels UI to the typical usual and useful winmo UI. This is the best + point of the phone. The phone can be converted to suit any user experience. and more.
I dont agree with the false statement of playing HD video. Xperia cannot handle even windows media properly. I am talking about close to 1 Mbps encoded video. The phone really misses a numpad input mode.
When using 3G video calls , the caller's image is too dark, and with the phone that I am having the brightness adjuster doesn't work.
The headset sound quality is so irritating. Not smooth clear music. But good enough for a pocket PC. I wish SE could add a more quality audio hardware. And no graphoc EQ for the music player.
Misses a voice recorder, converter, timer, stopwatch, and wish it had a radio recorder.
Camera quality is impressive. I don't go after the MPXL number beyond 3.2M of a phone camera. Pictures are good enough for general purpose work. Has good noise reduction. And good off flash image exposure adjustment. And has good focusing system.
Wish it had dedicated music keys.
And with all that I still love this phone.
Hello all, I just got this phone and I love it., However I didn't get the original charger.
Could somebody please tell mi the Power output (milliamps) on the OEM charger..
The person who was making comments about this phone being "Crap" as he or she likes to put it is wrong! This phone is one of the most up to date phones of it’s kind it works very well on all features and meets it’s objective for business. I also want to ad by looking at the anonymous posters language and the way he or she types only means they are a stupid little child and cannot be bothered to review something properly.
The person who was making comments about this phone being "Crap" as he or she likes to put it is wrong! This phone is one of the most up to date phones of it’s kind it works very well on all features and meets it’s objective for business. I also want to ad by looking at the anonymous posters language and the way he or she types only means they are a stupid little child and cannot be bothered to review something properly.
gaurav, 31 Mar 2009i got my x1 few days back.i found some problem 1. it gets heated very early.is it because her... moreIf ur not happy with it then take it back. My 1st unit had the same problem. I bought mine in summer when the temp was 30+ degrees C, I took it back and the second one didn't have the excessive heat issue. Pls also note that u have large capacity battery with a metal cover that conducts heat especially if u running 3g or processor intensive apps ( which I doubt cos u just received the phone) try switching to gsm mode, but if u feel it gets too hot return it asap!
i got my x1 few days back.i found some problem
1. it gets heated very early.is it because here is summer 36 degrr cel.
2.opera shows error whiich is sent to microsoft.
is my x1 a faulty piece?
Does not matter, 31 Mar 2009The person who was making comments about this phone being "Crap" as he or she likes to put it ... moreI agree with you.
To anon mstL, u never watched an HD movie/series on xperia? By all ur comments I can see ur an expert in ur own little world. I come from a non-IT background, which means I'm not an expert in windows/winmo but before purchasing this phone I read ur comments about x1 and I almost bought the iphone instead of x1. Now don't get me wrong I like the iphone especially it's super smooth UI but the phone does have it's limitations and it's not a smartphone, whereas with the x1 there is so much u can do with the OS ito tweaking, u can have various UI's in panel format and u have the option in switching UI when something new or better comes along. Right now I'm using Point's updated beta ver Home panel and it's really cool for a beta. So, tweaking winmo is really cool, u don't have to be geek to use this phone just some time and the ability to learn something new. I know it's scary for you but that is why you need a brain! Try watching transformersHD or anything HD on this phone you might have to do some playing around with settings but pls refer to my two previous sentences. Get urself some 3d glasses and watch a 3d movie on this screen and be amazed with what tech can do nowadays. Yes there is some minor problems with this phone, ito build quality but before you buy it check it instore 1st! If ur happy take it home and start Xperiamenting. U really don't need a Phd to use this phone :)
One day I went into a phone shop and tried the HTC touch HD, I was surprised about the reaction of the device, it is really quick, much quick than X!, as my girlfriend has a X1, she doesn't care about the spec or anything, she just like the outfit of the phone, but I am a bit regret to get that phone, cos I am paying for it!!!!
Anonymous, 29 Mar 2009Here we go again How can you expect anyone to take you seriously when you describe something a... moreI wait too much for X1 and buy iphone, iphone has a tousands bad things the experts say, buy I really like the maps, ok it´s not gps, buy realy like the maps, and the interface, second, I realy like, the web browser, like I´m in my pc, exept flash ok, but if the page is free of flash, is realy good, third, the YouTube feature, amazing. then X1 can do the same like iphone, my previous phone was P990i and it was an Exelent phone, Thanks.
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