Geotagging lol are you serious?WM has had geptagging for ages mate long long before ANY symbian device.As for audio you can have stereo swapped or joined mono left,right or joined you can increase and decrease the preamp,choose WAVE output.With video you can change pixel aspect ratio,use directdraw or framebuffer the choices are really immense.Headsets are always preferred to loudspeaker on a mobile phone but admittedly external speakers on nokia's are extremely good.
Who said you need a pointer to operate a WM handset?.I've used a TyTN II and the choice is yours, Applications such as Resco Radio,Explorer,PIE,Opera,Pocket Mechanic ,TCPMP,photo viewer professional can all be contolled using the hardware peripherals.I read the old chesnut Tactile feedback.Are you trying to tell me I don't get tactile feedback from the hardware buttons on a TyTN II?Absurd!Obviously for text input you use the hard keyboard or software T9 keypad .Usually web surfing requires little input,and many apps such as coreplayer require no text input whatsoever.To use Instant messaging,sustained web browsing,Word and Excel an efficient,quick input,navigational method is required hence the reason power users require touchscreen and a QWERTY keyboard.
Hey now thats a normal answer ,thanx a Bw@e.
See the kind of idea im getting from people here is that the X1 is the Ultimate Multimedia phone when its not. I love how people keep going on about the screen.
What about sound quality?
Sensor acceleration?
Accelerometer apps?
Video and sound amplifier?
Sound when watching videos coming from two either side?
Dolby surround in headset? which the Nseries are getting.
Built-in FM Transmition (not needing headset) etc. . .
Does X1 have all that?
By the way there are a lot of Emulators and PIPES for S60. Ive got Quake running on my S60 so in gaming we are there, but OBVIOUSLY WM has more support.
Yeah tsepz we are NOT saying the tyTN II is a great multimedia device-it can't be with a QVGA display.Granted the n82 would be better for sms than most WM devices but what else?With newer WM devices you don't have to use touchscreen for the majority of apps but of coarse you have the choice.Software T9 keypads are only needed for one handed sms and convenient small text input such as entering a url.
Tsepz and I quote 'great, full length high quality very high bit rate vids' Your chosen movie can be as high quality as possible but your n-series phone can only show QUARTER VGA resolution!Senseless
where did i say great qvga? plese point out where i said "great qvga" in my last post?
i said a built-in fm transmitter!! meaning not needing a headset to start playing radio, can x1 do that?. oh dear people love miss reading posts.
great full length movies on a QVGA screen?What you call great obviously differs to what I call great.VGA would be minimum and isn't it the case that coreplayer for symbian is NO match to CorePlayer for WM??you mention fm radio hey read the specs *FM radio with RDS*
Who said WM cnt do Multimedia in the 1st place?
When i say Multimedia im talking Yes Music, TV Broadcast, great quality Camera,great music quality, great, full length high quality very high bit rate vids,a nice Gallery , LifeBlog,etc. . . . You know exactly what Multimedia is. Ive watched Hostel on a friend's N82, not bad at all but a bigger screen would be better obviously. I watchd a movie on the TyTN-1 which i think has a 2.8inch screen BUT offcourse a bigger screen would be better i can imagine watchng a full movie on the 4inch display of a E90 BUT OBVIOUSLY a bigger screen would be better. . .zzzz. . .
Lol a software to help one handed use? Ye most prefer tactile feedback, only thing holding me back from getting a WM is that the HTC S730 has poor battery, low RAM and the Touch Dual doesn't have Wi-Fi.
So in Multimedia id like to know is X1 going to beat a N96? IN EVERYTHING RELATED IN MULTIMEDIA? And in EVERYTHING THE N96 has in Multimedia? Will X1 have a built-in FM Transmitter? Will it have a kickstand for when i wana watch Video etc. . . ? People are talking like the X1 is going to be the best Multimedia device.
one more thing, multimedia = f4gget
0ne m0re thing.
MULTIMEDIA 0n a n82??? can u even IMAGINE watching a FULL-LENGTH m0vie 0n that thing???
i'd need a MAGNIFYING GLASS t0 get any "pleasure" 0ut 0f watching ANYTHING 0ut 0f that 2.4in screen! L0L!
well then WHY 0' WHY d0 i see AL0T 0f nseries USERS practically CRYING 0ut t0 n0kia t0 have a FULL QWERTY KEYB0ARD f0r their nseries "ph0nes"(m0st n0tably the n95) f0r FASTER, EASIER, "better" text input???
and WHAT even makes s0me pe0ple here THINK(l0l) that 0nly nseries "ph0nes" can d0 MULTIMEDIA???
by MULTIMEDIA d0 u mean pictures, m0vies, s0und, GAMES?????
well WTF??? ALL WM "devices" can d0 THAT and n0t just the nseries!!! have u ever heared 0f WIND0WS MEDIA PLAYER??? L0L! ps1, NES, SNES, GAMEB0Y ADVANCE "emulat0rs"??? the nseries d0nt even HAVE a pr0per "name" f0r their media players!!! WTF! LMA0!
0ne handed use???
d0 u even KN0W u can d0wnl0ad s0ftware KEYB0ARDS f0r THAT "purp0se"??? theres alpha-numeric keyb0ards EXACTLY like u see 0n m0bile "ph0nes" s0 0NE-HANDED use is N0 PR0BLEM.
and what makes u even THINK that WM can 0nly "d0" 0FFICE APPS??? LMA0!
the way I see it - pe0ple wh0 BUY a WM "device" will have the C0MPLETE PACKAGE and pe0ple wh0 GET an nseries "ph0ne" is left wanting f0r m0re!!!
pe0ple wh0 have NEVER even used WIND0WS M0BILE sh0uld "stick" with their lil t0ys rather than CL0G this f0rum with their 0wn MISC0NCEPTI0NS.
haha, i agree. ive been switching between nokia and SE for a while and i often notice that nokia phones rely on menus, sub-menus, sub sub menus, and so on. where as with SE, they display alot of info at once...imho, it makes things alot more user-friendly and less navigation-confusing.
Why would you buy n82 for multimedia?slight edge on camera, perhaps games but as we speak ngage gaming is not good ... that's it.Remember the display on n82 is QVGA so all your VGA video recordings will have to viewed on pc or it will just show as QUARTER VGA,same applies with watching films,camera photo's,tv-out etc.Nokia's failure to implement a modern detailed display on n-series is nothing short of scandalouslucky for them there customer base has no idea how important a display is
What's all this one handed use talk for?Are you trying to tell me I can't use a WinMo device one handed?With my Kaiser I can use 99percent of applications one handed.Do you want me to make a small video recording to prove my statement ?Having the option to use a stylus for speedy input,picture editing,web browsing etc cannot be labeled as a buisness only feature!I agree the X1 will predominantly be used by buisness excutives but it still has top class multimedia capabilities.
@04}Q you need to read, i was telling other to go somewhere else to complain, like the blackberry site. i love all the features of this phone. but for the uneducated i was just stating that it was a rhetorical comment.
I don't agree that X1 is only for Office. Probably, people who never owned a WM device before said that or just guessing around.
WM Player is the best Media Player I have ever experienced. With a decent headphone, the sound quality is better than Ipod. 4 or 8 GBs cards would give you plenty of music and photos storage.
You can install thousands of applications of your choice that suit you.
Honestly, I don't even compare with Nokia N Series because they are too cheap to compare and far less features.
The next generation of Iphone might be possible to compare with a WM device.
im planning to but a n82 for now need a new phone but once this X1 coming out im so ganna get it SE FTW
WTF!! Why are people comparing N82 to X1? They are very different. The N82 is more of a Multimedia Smartphone whilest X1 is more of a PDA Communicator device, most people who buy a N82 are buying for Multimedia, one handed use with smartphone capabilities whilest most people who will buy X1 are generaly business and heavy users of the Office apps. Im guessing we are going to see people buy BOTH, the X1 for work and N82 for play/multimedia.
praising the n82 on another phone's page? tsk tsk tsk. so what? n82 is the n82; x1 is the x1. difference in interface and touchscreen is enough to make them two completely different classes. so i respect your opinion, but it's totally irrelevant in regards to this phone.
Oh nobody doubts Nokia's s60 range will sell more but common n82 better than xperia!!Professional power users need Remote desktop apps,admittedly their is such an app for s60 but in true symbian style the app is next to useless.Almost all s60 software is poor when pitted against it's WM counterpart.With an n82 you don't have a startup folder hell you can't even use TomTom with the GPS chipset..awful! Xenon flash or decent gps?professional apps or kindergarten apps?qwerty plus touchscreen or alpha numeric keypad?WVGA screen or QVGA?N82 better?lol lol lol
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