Testing of the latest Sony flagship, the Xperia Z, by T-Mobile for use on its US network have reportedly started according to several sources. While this doesn't mean that we'll definitely be seeing the device on the Magenta network with any degree of certainty, it does mean that T-Mobile is at least considering once again offering Sony smartphones in its lineup.
The reason for the long separation is really anyone's guess, but is good news for US consumers looking to get their hands on the slick Sony device. With a 5-inch 1080p display, quad-core 1.5GHz processor and dust and water resistance to accompany its glass-fiber polyamide frame, the Xperia Z is an enticing package that could help Sony gain some ground when it comes to Android market share in the US.
No word yet on when (and if) T-Mobile will decide to show some love to the Japanese tech giant, but you can get more info on the Xperia Z flagship in our full review.
i think that if theres a tmobile version comming out, then there might be an AT&T version in the works...
Your correct, Why advertise it like that, At least wipe it down with a soaking wet cloth!
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