The latest update of Symbian^3, yet to grace us with its presence goes by the name of Symbian Belle. The second update that now adheres to Nokia's new naming structure (following on from Symbian Anna of course). Just as the E6 and the X7 were the first new devices to bring Symbian Anna to masses, expectations are high for the Nokia 700 (aka the Zeta) to be the flag bearer for Symbian Belle.
Besides getting treated to some more official looking photos of the Zeta however, we've seen very little of Symbian Belle in still image or video form, until now. A video that slipped innocuously onto YouTube today brings us 8 minutes of hands-on with Belle and she has some nice tricks up her sleeve. The preview running on a Nokia N8 (and being filmed on an N8 for that matter), which bodes well for the likelihood that the latest build of Symbian^3 will make its way onto some of the already well established Symbian^3 devices out there.
If you pay close attention you'll have noticed some of the more prominent additions that Belle brings, such as the updated notifications drawer, a new set of keyboard and camera UIs and a few other more minor tweaks. Still, there's no clear timeframe on when the Belle comes to the ball, but chances are that it'll be soon, real soon. Keep an eye on those Nokia handset specs and we might get a nice surprise if we wish hard enough.
still Anna ota is not released for existing symbian 3 users and Now Nokia is announced symbian belle. Sounds good but promises is bad.
MarjanS, Nokia aren't promiting Belle, they haven't even announced it yet!! Some YouTube random is...
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