Samsung launched its Galaxy S4 flagship smartphone in two color options - Black and White. The South Korean manufacturer recently added a bit more variety in the form of four new colors: Blue Arctic, Purple Mirage, Red Aurora, Brown Autumn and Pink Twilight.
Now, a press image of the Samsung Galaxy S4 in the "Brown Autumn" color has been leaked, courtesy of evleaks, and it looks like the new paint job will be exclusive to the Verizon customers.
Unfortunately, there is no official word on the availability of the newest hue, but we expect Verizon to start selling its Galaxy S4 "Brown Autumn" in the coming days.
Meanwhile, if you are planning to lay your hands on the Samsung Galaxy S4, then you might want to check out our detailed review first.
all s4 are expendable by micro Sd....if you want more storage dont you just have to add a micro sd in it to get your 64gb ?
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