Facebook-owned WhatsApp isn't really known for quickly adding new features, unlike Facebook-owned Instagram or even Facebook Messenger. But WhatsApp is currently testing some new functionality that is sure to be welcome by its many users.
When this goes live for everyone, you'll be able to send any type of file to your contacts or groups. That's a marked improvement compared to what the situation is now: while you can send files, you're limited to specific types, like PDFs, Word documents, spreadsheets, and slides.
It's unclear why this limitation has existed so far, but the good news is that it's almost gone. The new feature letting you share any file type is currently undergoing testing with a limited subset of users, and the rollout is very slow. So while it's pretty certain that you will get this, what's less clear cut is when. Still, it's on the way.
Do note that you'll be limited to a maximum file size of 128MB on iOS, 100MB on Android, and 64MB on WhatsApp Web. We don't know how those arbitrary limits came to be, but we assume they have something to do with WhatsApp not wanting its servers to crash under the load of millions of people's shared 4K videos.
i am using Telegram for few years already with my friends, such a shame most people can only see Whatsapp. Telegram is better than Whatsapp in any aspects, especially when you have several devices, because Whatsapp only allow 1 device per account. Pe...
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